2 || Powers

727 45 15

The four had made their way to their apartments and collected their bags from Kaito and exchanged goodbyes before proceeding to their rooms.

Yuuma had slammed the door behind him as he kicked off his shoes, walking to the kitchen as he dropped the bags onto the table, heading straight to his room.

His apartment was big, just as big as the others. The king-sized bedroom was spacious and his bed was placed in the middle, with his clothes scattered onto the floor. His furniture consisted of black and white. Dull colors.

He pulled back the curtains and glanced down upon the park that had lived alongside the apartment building. He let himself fall to his bed and buried his face into his black duvets, groaning in pain as he clutched onto his head gritting his teeth in discomfort.

He slammed his fist into his bed, growling in annoyance as he racked his head, eventually falling asleep from the tiring day.

The man had been awoken as he had heard his door knock a couple of times. He eventually got up to get the door, surprised to find a girl staring back up at him. Her light blue eyes reflected his emerald green ones as she gave him a small smile. "Hello," she greeted.

"I think I might've disrupted him... I did double check the residents here though..."

Yuuma narrowed his eyebrows, frowning as he tried to break eye contact with the light pink-haired girl.

"Sorry...I'm really not interested," he sighed. Just as he was about to close the door, the girl had slipped inside, surprising the man who rarely had visitors, nor anyone step into his room that he didn't welcome.

He looked down at the mysterious girl as she peered around the room. Yuuma's eyes couldn't help but land on her.

"Such a beautiful apartment... I wish I had one like this..."

The girl had eventually locked gazes with the pink-haired man and she eventually flashed him a gentle smile. He had to admit the girl looked delicate and gorgeous as he looked down at her, the height difference was perfect for the usual 'couples' he would see on streets in Tokyo. He shook the thought out of his mind before glaring at the girl.

"Get lost."

The girl was taken back with his harshness and stumbled backwards, nervous.

"Oh no, did I do something weird?"

She was pressed against the door as Yuuma's one metre eighty figure had hovered above her one metre sixty height and let his hand push against the surface behind the girl as he leaned in closer to whisper to her ear.

"Did you not hear me? Get lost."

The young man didn't realise such words would cause the girl to leave tears at her eyes.

"I must've done something weird, did he mistaken me as one of those sales people?"

He broke away from their close approximation and re-opened the door for her to leave but instead, she stayed on her spot.

"I'm sorry but I have come to check on your well-being and the appearance of the apartment rooms. The apartment manager ordered me to do this and I must do my job."

Yuuma locked glances with the girl once again.


"Hurry up," he growled, causing the girl to whimper and shudder as she clenched onto the edge of her mini skirt tightly.

"I-I'm really sorry!" she squeaked, as she checked each and every one of the rooms. The man had waited impatiently by the door until suddenly, he heard a small scream escape from his room. He sighed in annoyance as he jogged over to his room to find the girl fallen onto the ground from tripping over his scattered clothes. He twitched an eye. "Pink, huh?"

The girl blushed as she quickly adjusted her skirt and quickly stood back up.

"Please do not glance down at a girl's private area," she confessed, slightly dizzy from the fall. Her hands unexpectedly reached his hand as she made herself upright and ready to continue.

She jerked them away after realising her small, pale hands had landed on top of the man's bony and slender fingers. "Sorry!" she yelped, earning a frown from the handsome but rude young man.

"Hurry up."

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