6 || Interrupted

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After the four have gone their separate ways, Len was the only one who had stayed behind. He pulled out his book once again and was finally relieved to be left alone.

Some peace and quiet was what he needed.
Before he could find the place he was previously reading, a pink-haired girl had approached him. Len raised an eyebrow at the girl and she just glared down back at him. Len sighed and allowed his attention to drift away and back to the text in front of him. The pink-haired girl simply tore away the book from his hands and cleared her throat.
"Are you Kagamine Len?" Her eyebrows were narrowed and her eyes stared down at Len.

"Yes?" Len sighed.

"Do you know this man?" The pink-haired girl pulled out her phone, and it was a picture of Gakupo with his arms thrown around two women.


"Are you sure?"

"Very. Are you done? I would like to read my book now," Len muttered, pointing to the book that was still tightly held by the girl.

"Stop lying, I saw you sit with him just a moment ago."

Len rolled his eyes. "If you identified him earlier, then why didn't you speak up? I don't understand why you're interrogating me."

She was taken back and flustered. "I-I'll have you pass my message onto him," she cleared her throat. "Tell him to stay away from Gumi. She's a good girl, not someone you can mess around with. And if he does-" Len stood up and pressed a finger to her lips. "Enough."

The girl blushed, but quickly slapped his hand away.

"I am not a transfer device," Len said, sitting back down. "Why not use your phone instead? I'll give you his number."

The girl slammed the book down into the table. She threw back her hair.


Len pulled on the door and the bell ringed behind him. He turned to start on the street and disappeared into a dark alley. He sighed, closed his eyes and vanished.

He opened his eyes and he was standing in the middle of his apartment. Outside the window it was Tokyo's city lights. There was so many that you would lose count, even when you've almost lived your whole life looking over the same scenery everyday. The lights were like stars, and that was what Len enjoyed the most. Gazing over at the city with his surroundings


So quiet.

Quiet enough for him to teleport to anywhere in the world. He required that blankness in his mind for it to happen. Just as he was about to close his eyes and be teleported to somewhere in Paris, he was interrupted by his ringtone.

He grumbled in annoyance and dug around his pocket for his phone.

Something he rarely used. Or to be more specific, he didn't need.

He pressed the phone to his ear but quickly pulled it away when he heard the pink-haired girl's voice on the other side.

Len didn't answer.

"I know you're there."

"What now?" Len sighed.

"Listen, I need to know where that purple-haired idiot is right. now."

Len bit his lip in frustration. "How would I know where he is? If you like him, then get through to him yourself. Not through me. I'm tried."

She ignore him. "Come to the nightclub just near that coffee store we met at yesterday. It's urgent."

Len crossed his arms. "Why should-"

Beep beep beep


"This is Gumi," the pink-haired girl said, pointing to a green-haried girl who peered shyly over the hem of her drink.

"And Gumi, this is..." The pink-haired girl paused, looking over at Len. Len just sighed.

"What is it? Hurry up and get it over with." Len was having a headache over the loud, pumping music of the nightclub and was disgusted with the smell of alcohol and sweaty bodies.

"Look, can't you be more cooperative here? I need some advice."

"Am I not being cooperative enough? I think me spending my evening for your problems is already being quite cooperative," Len snapped back. The pink-haired girl winced but still regained her confidence.



"Whatever. Is he a player?" the pink-haired girl snapped. "He and Gumi have been going steady for a few months now, but this-" she pulled out the her phone and swipped right to shove the picture under Len's nose, "I found a few days ago! I was actually very fond of him through Gumi-chan's stories." Gumi put the glass carefully down and looked up at Len, her voice was small and could be barely heard over the loud music.

"Please help me. Luka's been trying to get through to anyone close to my boyfriend- oh, Gakupo. I would really appreciate it if you could help me out."

Len eyed the girl. She held a shy gaze and she wasn't ugly. Her green hair was tied into a bun and she wore a slim orange dress that hugged at her curves. She was tiny and could be considered cute to the male population but she wasn't exactly Gakupo's type either.

"Luka?" Len slurred, turning his attention to the pink-haired girl. Luka widened her eyes in surprisement and turned away, a blush creeped to her cheeks.

"I'm Len. I know what Gakupo is like but I'm not sure you're willing to hear me through," Len sighed. Gumi was delighted but Luka was not. She was muttering under her breath about 'not listening to her but to Gumi.' Len ignored her.

"Gakupo's a player. I haven't ever seen him serious with one girl. Ever." But Len could see Gumi wince. "C-continue," she whispered.

"He's going to dump you."

Tears fell from Gumi's eyes. "I-I know." She wiped them away. "He hasn't contacted me in ages."

"He's terrible! I'm going to rip that face of his..." Luka shouted, standing up. Gumi immeditaely stood up, trying to calm Luka down but her face fell when her eyes landed on Gakupo.

Len followed her gaze and found Gakupo wrapping an arm around a small, blonde girl's waist. She looked uncomfortable and Len could identify Gakupo's overused strength on this girl. He pushed thorugh the crowd and when Gakupo saw Len, he seemed surprised, but didn't let go of the girl. Len had to do something. He yanked Gakupo's hand away and the girl gasped in surprise. "Stop it, Kamui. I think your playtime's over now." Len's voice was deadly quiet, and his gaze was deadly.

"Len..." Gakupo whispered. He quickly chuckled. "Sorry, must've lost myself today." Len nodded. I'm glad you've realised. Luka and Gumi had rushed over and Gakupo glanced over to Gumi, but not before he eyed Luka. Luka was pretty. Not the cute-type but the more mature kind. She wore a midnight black dress that was assorted with sparkles and her pink-hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Gumi gasped out and a sob followed. "Gumi, you look stunning today."

Gumi knew well enough that those words were not for her, but for her stunning friend that stood beside her. "Gakupo,"

"Let's break up," Gumi smiled. Before Gakupo could reply, she tugged at Luka's arm and turned away.


"By the way," Gumi turned to face the purple-haired man. "I dumped you. Not the other way around."

Gumi whirled around and marched away.

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