7 || Glance

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Len let out a sigh as he watched Gakupo's figure wander back into the ocean of people. He's dated several girls and broken up several times, but Len's never seen Gakupo so disappointed. Len shook the thought out of his head. Maybe he's overthinking this.

Len pinched his cheeks and furrowed his eyebrows. What has he gotten himself into? He's never been the type to meddle with other people's business - especially not Gakupo's love affairs.

Len hurried out of the nightclub, frowning each time when a group of people would come up to him, pulling him onto the dance floor. Finally pushing out of the sweaty swarm of people, he pressed a finger between his eyebrows and groaned. The smell of alcohol was getting to him and he felt sick. He was never that great with crowds.

Suddenly, at the corner of his eye, he found a young girl leaning against the wall. She was petite and her shoulder-length blonde hair was tied back into a half-bun. Before Len could look away, she caught his stare and he frowned when she glanced coldly back. Her sky-blue eyes almost seemed to read through all his secrets. Len felt a cold sweat down his back as she pushed herself away from the wall and started walking towards him.

Her slender legs wobbled with each step as she neared him. Her face was tinted red and Len instantly shuddered when the smell of alcohol hit him. However, before Len could say anything, her eyes fell completely shut and lost her balance. Instinctively, Len immediately rushed to her side before she could collapse to the floor. Len shook her gently, his hands trembled as he felt her cold skin against his. "Excuse me?" Len looked around desperately, but no one seemed to care, as they continued dancing to the monstrous music. "Hello?" Len placed a hand to her forehead. She was feverish.

Len heaved a loud sigh. Why do these things keep on happening to me?

Defeated, Len wrapped a strong arm around her shoulders and legs and lifted her up, surprised with her child-like weight.

"Kaito..." she whispered.

Len froze. Kaito? Len wasn't sure if he heard her right. He leaned down and pressed his ear near her lips.

"Kaito? Is that you?"

Len frowned. Kaito's never mentioned anyone Len doesn't know of.

He carried her out of the deafening room and gently dropped the girl in the back seat of his car, unsure with what to do next. Sending her to a hospital would be a no-go and Len definitely wouldn't want to be sued for going through her purse. He eventually gave in and drove her back to his house.


Len carried the stranger to his room and dropped her onto his king-sized bed. One of his most prized possessions. He didn't let anyone sleep on his bed. The thought of someone else's scent on his bed disgusted him, especially the scent of an alcoholic idiot whom he only met the first day.

Pulling off his collar shirt and changing into a loose, white t-shirt and grey jeans, Len headed to the kitchen to make something to eat. It's been a long night.  Pulling out an apron from a drawer, Len swiftly tightened it around his waist and started cooking.

The blond girl's eyes fluttered open and she immediately sat up to the smell of ramen. She panicked for a brief moment when her eyes adjusted to the unfamiliar room. Slowly getting up, she let her feet snuggle into the soft carpet as she followed the scent to the kitchen.

There stood a tall, blonde teenager with his hair parted behind his ears as he finished pouring the soup into a bowl. He turned and his eyes flickered in surprise to see her peering at him. He wasn't bad looking - in fact, he was handsome. Her cheeks flushed a light pink as the stranger stared back at her, tilting his head confused.

"I don't know where to start," was all he said. She placed a hand on her hip. "I would say the same," she huffed. "Why am I here? And who exactly are you? And why was I in your bed?"

The boy sighed, letting the bowl down onto the table before crossing his arms across his broad chest. "Look, you were coming towards me and collapsed. I don't think I'm required to tell you who I am and did you think I wanted you in my bed?"

The blond girl gritted her teeth, slightly offended. "Look, I'm thankful that you brought me to your house because I was drunk, but aren't you afraid that I'll sue you for..." the girl frowned. "Kidnapping?"

"Who's Kaito?"

The girl froze. She raised an eyebrow, making sure to maintain eye contact. She knew if she broke it he'd tell that she was lying.

"I don't know any Kaitos."

The man let an apron fastened around his waist fall to the floor as he approached her slowly.

"Why did you call out to me? And why was it Kaito you called out?" His voice was deeper now, his gaze followed her as she backed up against the wall.

"What do you know about Kaito?" He hissed.

The girl didn't break her stare. "Everything you don't want me to know," she snapped, "Len."

Hi guys!! I'm so sorry for not updating for so long

~~~Hi guys!! I'm so sorry for not updating for so long

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Please forgive me!! :,(

I say this all the time but I'll say it again- I'll try update more often! I'm so sorry for making you all wait so long

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I say this all the time but I'll say it again- I'll try update more often! I'm so sorry for making you all wait so long. Trust me, I understand your pain of waiting for new chapters. I'm so thankful to have been ranked amongst other amazing vocaloid fanfics and I hope you continue to support my upcoming books/current books! I cannot express how happy and grateful I am so I'll thank you all by updating more often. Please feel free to leave behind some comments and I'll do my best to reply to them :)
- Ren

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2018 ⏰

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