3 || Repeat

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Yuuma had pushed himself off his bed in annoyance, as he had walked his way over to the door, where the ringing of his door bell would not stop.


Yuuma turned, as he slammed the door, only for the girl to forcefully hold the door open, making sure it didn't shut completely.

"Why are you here again? I thought you just did the checkup yesterday," Yuuma growled, brushing a hand through his hair, tired, as the short girl had stared up at him.

She watched him, in a daze as he wiped the edge of his eye sleepily, leaning against the doorframe as he turned back to the girl, finally taking notice of her stare.

"Umm! Yesterday, apparently some people from the room from above had disrupted some of the people on this floor and a compliant has been sent in from here, so I just wanted to come to apologise."

Yuuma glanced into her eyes.

'I hope he doesn't get mad again.'

He sighed, "It wasn't me. You can go now."

She stared blankly, as the realisation had hit her. "My apologies! I did not know that! I think I've made a mistake, please excuse my intrusion!" With that, she hurried out the door. Her pale pink hair had flowed behind her in a ponytail, but to Yuuma's surprise, the girl had suddenly collapsed to the ground. He rushed to her side, gently shaking her, trying to get her to open her eyes.

It was no use, she stay lifeless on the cold surface. He rubbed the back of his neck, annoyed but he knew he couldn't just leave her there. Reaching beneath her small body, he embraced her lightly before effortlessly picking her up from her feet and carried her to his bedroom.

He dropped her onto the bed, scrunching his nose in annoyance as he watched his blankets get crinkled by another person. He untied the laces of her sneakers and dropped them at the entrance, closing the door behind him.

He had found himself staring creepily down at the girl, hoping for her to wake up the next second. Nothing happened. He eventually dozed off himself, after all, it was only six in the morning.

"Why...don't you understand me?"

Yuuma had awoken to the soft voice of the girl screaming.


Yuuma's eyes widened, as he stared at her in astonishment, her voice echoed throughout the apartment room.

He was taken back when the girl's hand had reached to his, and grabbed it tightly. He first hesitated, and wanted to jerk away but he eventually intertwined his long, slender fingers between her pale, cold ones. His expression softened as he watched a drop of tear slide down her cheek. His other hand reached out towards her cheek, about to wipe it away but immediately dropped his hand to his lap and quickly shook the thought out of his head.

Her eyes had slowly opened again, and sat up, startled. She glanced around, cautious and frightened, but a small smile had formed on her face when she found Yuuma sitting beside her.


"I didn't do anything."

She laughed, nodding, "That's what tsunderes say." Yuuma felt his eye twitch in annoyance as she leaned her face closer to his. Her deep blue eyes reflected his emerald green ones.

She smiled, "Thanks."

"No problem. Now, get out of here."

She frowned, "As cold as ever..." she muttered. He frowned.

"Don't come again tomorrow. You're not welcome."

The girl bit her lip, as she looked down at her feet before nodding and standing up to leave.

Her surroundings wavered and shook as she felt heavy, unable to control herself, she stumbled on top of Yuuma. His arms automatically wrapped around her tiny body by instinct.

His warm breath brushed against her ear and his strong arms embraced her, as if protecting her.

"Be careful," he said. It almost sounded like a whisper, as an irresistible scent had drifted into her nose, she sniffed it deeply, a playful smile lingered across her lips. Mentally slapping herself, she quickly nodded. Not wanting his grip loose around her, she had frowned in disappointment when he had let go, backing away, allowing her to make her exit.

"S-sorry to intrude!"

She bowed, then, when the girl had glanced straight into his eyes, he was bewildered with shock, as he realised something.

He couldn't read her thoughts anymore.

They weren't there. No thoughts ran through the girl's head.


The girl turned to face him.

AN: Sorry for slow updates !!! Been pretty busy recently so please forgive me! My writing hasn't improved much at all lately, so I also apologise for that! >< Please bear with me as the holidays are coming up and I can spend more time writing!! See you next chapter

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