5 || Fondness

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Time ticked by as help had still not arrived. Kaito pulled out his phone, but was pulled back into an embrace by the girl who had tears fall from her eyes. She was frightened to death.

He hesitantly pushed his phone back into his pocket and pulled her into his arms. He could feel her arms squeeze onto him tightly.

He sighed, raising his hand to snap his fingers.

He was incredibly surprised when she looked up at him, giving him a small smile. "Sorry, I have a fear of elevators."

He was shocked, looking at his hand then back at her. "I-I see..."

She quietened down, only sniffing occasionally.

Kaito raised his hand again, this time, clicking louder, but only to receive a confused look from the girl. "Is anything wrong?"

"Nothing at all."


The two had been finally saved as the elevator's doors were forced open.

"We're very sorry for the inconvenience we have cause you!" The manager bowed constantly. Kaito felt guilty and shook his head, "It's fine. No harm was caused," but regretted it after seeing the girl at the corner of his eye. She had sat beside a window, staring.

"Please make sure to fix the elevator as soon as possible."

"Yes, we will, once again, we are very sorry."

With that, the crew scrambled off.

Kaito walked over to the girl, he crouched down, a knee on the floor and looked up at her. "Are you okay?"

She turned to give him a small smile. "Yes, I am much better." Kaito returned her smile. "Good."

"Sorry to let you see such a disgraceful side of me," the girl sighed, her fists tightly gripped her bag strap. She was embarrassed. He laughed, reaching out a hand to pat her head. "Don't be, I was glad to be of help."

He stood back up, "See you."


Miku felt her face burn. She was very surprised with his gentle hand and reassuring voice.

His smile erased her painful experience of the elevator. She placed a hand on her chest and smiled as she felt her heart squeeze and tighten.

She knew she was in love.



It's been so long! I am very sorry! I just had exams and school has finished for me so be prepared for more updates. Thanks for reading to this chapter!

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