4 || Ascend

690 34 16

"I can't believe you, Yuuma! Why are you so cold?" Kaito chuckled, pouring himself a cup of tea after making sure everyone else had their share.

"I'm sure she meant no harm, she is a lady after-all," Gakupo agreed, resting an arm on Kaito's seat as he raised the cup to his lips.

"You say that no matter what kind of woman they are," Len sighed, turning the page of his book he had busied himself with. The others found it strange how he could still catch up with the conversations while reading.

"I'm pretty sure you're not someone to say that," Gakupo replied in amusement as he placed the cup back down onto the wooden table.

"Whatever, say what you like," Yuuma frowned, moving his gaze to the scenery across of the window, as he took a sip of the liquid.

"Why are you still so popular even when you're like this?" Gakupo commented, sighing as he leaned forwards on the table to rest his chin on his right hand.

"Can you tell your fans to stop screaming at the doorway then? It's really distracting," Len had sighed, eventually placing his book down on the table as he glanced behind him. Women were crowded at the bar's entrance and their phones were all out, taking photos of the four whilst squealing in delight as Gakupo flashed them smiles.

"They're not my fans, they're my women who support me unlike you three," Gakupo frowned, standing up to greet the ladies.

"Isn't that the same thing?" Kaito laughed as he turned to Yuuma. "You should consider this carefully. This isn't the first time you've met this kind of situation before, correct? Then I suggest you become friends with this girl and see what she holds."

Yuuma sighed as he ruffled his hair in annoyance. "So troublesome..."

Kaito chuckled, "You're always saying that."


Kaito flung his satchel onto his shoulder as he closed the car door behind him. He fumbled with his keys as he dug through his pockets trying to feel his way onto the 'lock' button. His thumb brushed against the rough surface and he clicked it, hearing a small beep escape from his car as he headed to the elevator. Pressing onto the third floor, he heard a loud gasp right around the corner and shoved his foot at the entrance to stop the doors from closing as a teenage girl had halted and managed to slip in the elevator as the doors re-opened.

"Whoops," Kaito chuckled, sliding to the corner of the elevator giving her space. "Thanks," she smiled, wiping her forehead. "You saved me there."

"What floor?"


Kaito pressed the button and watched the doors close as he turned to face the girl.

She turned to give him a smile which he returned back as the two waited in silence as the elevator started to rise.

Kaito eyed the girl at the corner of his eye cautiously as he debated whether or not to speed the time of the elevator without her realising.

"I know I'm pretty but you don't have to stare for that long," she teased, breaking the silence which caught him off guard. He laughed awkwardly, "Yes, you are pretty."


"Its fine," she chuckled back. She was pretty. Her turquoise-blue hair and eyes matched and her figure was slim and small. A thin smile would flash when she looked at him and in her hands, she had gripped onto a high school shoulder bag and she had worn the uniform of Tokyo High School.

He took a deep breath and as he prepared himself to speed up the time, the elevator had shook violently as the electricity went out. The girl let out a scream as she ducked to the floor as the elevator came to a halt.

"W-What just happened?"

"I think it's an electricity breakdown," Kaito replied, pressing onto the 'emergency' button urgently.

"We'll be okay," he reassured her as he crouched down beside her.

To his surprise, she grabbed onto his collar and dug her face into his chest. She was shivering and trembling. Hesitantly, Kaito wrapped his arms around her protectively as the two waited for help to arrive.

Kaito had a feeling inside of him that was happy for this small elevator incident to happen but he wasn't too sure why himself. He could feel his heart banging against his chest rapidly, he was nervous.

He had never felt this kind of feeling before.

A/N: Yes, yes, I know, the cliché elevator scene ^^' but again, I am sorry for not updating in ages due to my school work. See you next chapter!

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