New Kid

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"What are you going to do with that?" Blaine looked up from his locker towards the voice.

"Are you going to throw it at me?" A chestnut haired boy stood at the front school doors next to Karofsky who was holding an obviously full slushy cup.

"Go on then. I dare you." The boy tilted his head at the Neanderthal and Blaine made a mental note to congratulate the boy on being so brave, that was one scary jock.

"I'm waiting. May as well get it over with, right?" The boy shrugged. Blaine glanced around the corridor, trying to hide the fact that he was staring, only to find that pretty much the whole school was watching the encounter.

"You're crazy, man." Karofsky stared at him for a few more seconds before shrugging and walking down the opposite corridor.

The corridor was silent as they watched the new kid stare at Karofsky's retreating figure before he turned around with a smirk on his face and everyone started up conversations with the people around them so not to seem like they were watching the intriguing boy.

Blaine, unfortunately, didn't have many friends and most people ignored him so obviously he was left alone and staring at the boy.

Blaine almost melted right there and then when the boy looked in his direction and smiled warmly at him. Blaine had never been more thankful for his locker which was helping him stand up, all this boy had to do was smile and Blaine would instantly go weak at the knees. But, naturally, Blaine was too shy for experiences like this so, never one to miss his chance to ruin a moment, Blaine quickly turned around a busied himself in his locker.

"Hi, I'm Kurt Hummel." Blaine jumped and looked to his left only to come face to face with the beautiful boy from down the corridor. How did he get here so fast?

"Are you new here?" Blaine spoke after a few seconds of silence where he stared into the boy's ocean blue eyes.

"Yeah." The boy, Kurt, grinned, "Are you gonna tell me your name?"

"Oh, uh, right. Umm, I'm B-Blaine." Blaine stammered. Why did this boy have such of an effect on him?

"Nice to meet you B-Blaine." Kurt said teasingly, "Do you know where my maths class is?" Kurt pulled out his timetable from his back pocket to show to Blaine.

"Yeah, that's my maths class. I'll walk with you if you want?"

"I was kinda hoping you would." Kurt grinned.

"Okay. Umm, this way." Blaine turned around and started walking down the corridor.

"So how long have you been here?" Kurt asked happily when he'd caught up with Blaine.

"Since I was a freshman." Blaine said, trying not to overthink the fact that Kurt was standing closer than necessary. Not that he minded.

Kurt hummed in response before gasping, "You have a glee club here!"

"Uh, yeah." Blaine smiled at the excited boy looking over all of the New Direction's trophies. He's too cute.

"Are you in it?" Kurt spoke, never once looking up from the trophies.

"No. I mean, I want to be but, honestly I'm too scared." Blaine scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. Why was he telling Kurt this?

"Aww, you don't need to be scared." Kurt smiled at Blaine, "I know! I want to join too so maybe we can audition together!"

"I don't know." Blaine looked around awkwardly as the chestnut haired boy looped his arm through Blaine's and started walking again.

"Oh come on! It'll be fun! Live a little." Kurt was practically skipping now.

"You don't even know me. How can you tell me to 'live a little' if you don't know me? I could be the most risk-taking person you know." Blaine tried to slow Kurt down as various students started giving them strange looks.

"If you were always taking risks then you would be able to join a glee club." Kurt rolled his eyes, "I'm not stupid. So you'll come round to mine tonight and we'll practice."

"I'm busy." Blaine spoke on instinct.

"Doing what? Drug dealing? Partying? Drinking?" Kurt scoffed.


"You said you were a risk-taker, I assumed that meant you were quite risky and dodgy. Those kind of people do drugs and stuff, right?" Kurt frowned.

"I guess. But I'm not risky or dodgy." Blaine turned Kurt and pulled him into a classroom.

"Well then come round to mine tonight if you're not doing anything. Come on, this could be the start of the best friendship you've ever had!" Kurt whined as Blaine dragged him over to the last two seats.

"Fine. Just shut up." Blaine muttered, keeping his eyes on the ground to avoid eye contact with the many students who were watching their conversation with interest.

"No need to be rude." Kurt shoved him playfully.

"What're you two fags talking about? Why're you going to his house?" Azimo stared at them with disgust.

"We're gonna go to my house and watch loads of gay movies and then we're gonna sleep in the same bed and probably do more. We might even go to a gay bar, wanna join us?" Kurt smiled innocently.

Blaine tried, he really did. But he couldn't contain it, he began laughing and soon Kurt was laughing with him causing Azimo to look at them like they were crazy before turning around.

"Boys? Is there a joke that you'd like to share with the class?" Mr. Wilson raised an eyebrow at them.

"No. Sorry." Kurt grinned, somehow managing to stifle his laughter as Blaine covered his mouth and bit down hard on his tongue to stop himself laughing.

"Oh my god." Blaine muttered when Mr. Wilson shook his head and turned his back on them to continue writing on the board.

"So you'll come to mine tonight?" Kurt nudged Blaine.

"I'll have to check with my mum but I'm sure I'll be able to." Blaine smiled.

"Cool." Kurt grinned before folding his arms and staring at the teacher.

"Are you looking at Mr. Wilson's butt?" Blaine giggled when Kurt looked up at him with surprise written on his face.

"Obviously. That's one fine ass." Kurt made his eyes go comically big as Blaine slapped a hand over his mouth to try and stop his laughter.

"So you're gay." Blaine stated rather than questioned.

"Yup. 100%." Kurt smiled, "And you're gay too I'm guessing."

"You guessed right."

"So, you got a boyfriend?"

"No. I've never had one." Blaine sighed, "What about you?"

"Yeah, I have boyfriend called Chandler." Blaine had no idea why he suddenly felt disappointed and slightly jealous, "But I think I might end it soon."

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