French Kiss

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"So, I was thinking we could watch The Little Mermaid because I know one of us here is a complete Disney addict and it ain't me." Kurt teased as he pushed the disc into his DVD player.

"You know that I'm not embarrassed by my love of Disney, Kurt." Blaine rolled his eyes playfully, "But thank you. I love The Little Mermaid!"

"Yeah, I figured."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, I've known you for about 3 months now and I can safely say that 50 out of the 100 times that I've heard you sing have been from The Little Mermaid."

"That's a bit of an over exaggeration, don't you think?"

"Nope." Kurt jumped onto the bed as the opening credits began to play, "Now, shut up and cuddle me."

"Bossy." Blaine muttered jokingly as he wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist and Kurt laid his head on Blaine's shoulder.

"So, still love that movie even though you could probably perform it in your sleep?" Kurt teased as he and Blaine lay under his covers in his bed.

"Yup. I will always love it. Almost as much as I love y- never mind." Blaine glanced up to Kurt, hoping that the boy hadn't noticed his slip-up.

"Almost as much as you love what?" Kurt asked, a slight smirk on his face. He noticed.

"Hey! Don't we have to do that French kissing?" Blaine laughed nervously, slightly proud of his change of topic even though he'd be lying if he said he didn't actually want to do it.

"You can't change the subject that easily, Anderson. We can French kiss once you tell me what you love more than The Little Mermaid."

"That's not fair."

"No. Leaving me wondering what could possibly be better than The Little Mermaid is not fair."

"Fine. The thing that I love more than The Little Mermaid is, umm, Katy?"

"You don't sound too sure." Kurt raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, I meant bow ties." Blaine closed his eyes in embarrassment. That was a bad one.

"Oh, I know you love bow ties but I can tell that's not what you wanted to say." Kurt bit his lip to stop from laughing at his flustered boyfriend.

"Fine!" Blaine sighed before mumbling, "I love you more than The Little Mermaid."

"What was that?" Kurt smiled.

"I love you, okay?" Blaine said embarrassedly and buried his flushed face into the pillow below him.

"Blaine." Kurt cupped the boy's face and forced his head up, "You don't need to be embarrassed around me."

"I know." Blaine said, still refusing to meet Kurt's eyes.

"I love you too, you know?" Kurt grinned as hazel eyes snapped forward to meet his.

"Y-you do?"

"Yeah, I guess I fell for the Anderson charm." Kurt said in mock-annoyance.

"There's no charm to me." Blaine sighed.

"Hey, what's wrong? We just said our first 'I love you's. Most people are happy about that." Kurt paused for a second before adding, "I know I'm happy about it."

"Yeah! Yes! God, of course I'm happy about it! I just-I can't believe that you of all people love me. I mean, you're so amazing and fabulous and funny and unique and talented and beautiful and admirable and handsome and sexy and I'm rambling now." Blaine ducked his head, "But I'm just me."

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