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"What's wrong now, man?"

"The same thing that's been wrong all week, Sam."

"Well, you gotta either move on or do something about it."

"I don't want to move on. I can't move on. But what is there that I can do?" Blaine paused, "I'll answer that; nothing."

"Wrong. You can win him back. I believe you when you say that you didn't cheat on him. I know you're not like that."

"What exactly can I do though?"

"I dunno, bro." Sam scratched the back of his neck, "You could, like, sing him a song and give him flowers or something?"

"But you heard him, Sam. He doesn't love me."

"Yeah he does. He was just mad."

"No he doesn't."

"He does. Kurt's always loved you, even when he didn't know you."

"That's impossible."

"Nu-uh. You guys are soulmates, I can feel it. You're gonna get married in New York one day and have Russian twin babies and a really expensive mansion but you'll never let anyone visit because you'll be so closed off from the world, completely distracted by your beautiful family and all of its love. You're soulmates."

"We're not soulmates, Sam. He doesn't love me."

"He does love you! I know it, Rachel knows it, Finn knows it, everyone knows it! Even Kur-"

"Kurt doesn't love me!" Blaine yelled, causing all of the choir room's occupants to turn and stare at him.

"What?" Blaine snapped after a few awkward moments passed by, "You all know it."

"Nope. Kurt loves you, bro." Finn sighed.

"Agreed." Mike nodded.

"Kurt's my best friend. I know when he's in love with someone and he's totally in love with you." Mercedes smiled.

"He's totally head over heels, dude." Artie grinned.

"Yeah, I don't get it. The sex must be amazing. Who would love a hobbit?" Santana shook her head in disgust.

"Klaine forever!" Puck fist pumped the air before turning to look at Blaine with a sudden serious look on his face, "I ship it, bro. Don't sink my ship."

"I know love when I see it." Tina sighed dreamily at Mike.

"Kurt loves you so much, Blaine. You can't lose him." Quinn smiled sadly.

"Can you all stop talking about me as if I'm not here, please." Kurt frowned.

"Oh, I'm sorry Lady Face. It's just that you normally have some type of sarcastic comment but you didn't today. So I didn't notice you." Santana smirked.

"Not today." Kurt sighed.

"Not for the past week more like." Santana rolled her eyes.

"I haven't been myself lately."

"And I wonder why that is." Santana said sarcastically.

"I guess it's because-" Kurt glanced up and met Blaine's sad eyes, "Because..."

Blaine swallowed the lump in his throat at the sight of Kurt's saddened face. Blaine promised himself that he'd never be the person to make this beautiful man sad. But Blaine's never really been good at keeping promises.

Kurt stared into Blaine's beautiful hazel eyes. He could get lost in there for days. Kurt hadn't realised just how much he'd missed this, just looking at Blaine. His eyes. His hair. His nose. His li-shit. Why did he look there?

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