Move On

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The choir room was filled with noise as everyone argued and yelled at one another. However, all arguments stopped the second Kurt walked into the room and sat down. On the opposite end of the choir room to Blaine.

The New Directions all glanced confusedly between the two boys. This would be the first time since the pair joined that they hadn't sat next to each other.

Kurt coughed quietly as he took his phone out of his bag and began to occupy himself by texting someone.

Blaine on the other hand, was sat completely still and quiet, staring at the floor with a defeated look on his face.

Rachel took a deep breath before approaching Kurt, "Hi, Kurt."

The countertenor looked up and glanced around the room once before meeting Rachel's eyes with a frown, "Uh, hi?"

"What're you doing over here?"

"Umm, sitting down? Waiting for Mr. Schuester? Isn't that what we normally do?"

"Why aren't you sat with gay hobbit?" Santana called from behind Rachel.

Kurt swallowed and turned to look at Blaine who immediately glanced up and met his gaze. Kurt glanced away, sighing shakily before looking back up to Rachel.

"It doesn't matter."

Rachel's eyes widened and she turned to watch Blaine's reaction, only to find the boy shaking his head before looking back down at the floor.

"What the hell is wrong with everyone?" Santana laughed, "I can't be the only one who's pissed off by the fact that these two gay twinks break up and get all depressed, make everyone else feel sorry for them and then get back together, like, 2 minutes later and still that's not enough to make people hate them?"

Rachel gasped, "Santan-"

"Leave it, Rach." Kurt sighed, "She's right, Blaine and I break up far too often." Kurt saw Blaine frown and raise his head to watch him, "But this is the last time. I can't keep doing this to him."

Rachel's eyes widened even more and she turned to stare at Blaine who was still watching Kurt.

"I- here's the thing." Kurt stood up and moved to the front of the choir room, "There- there's something I haven't been telling you all. Blaine knows, obviously. I tell him everything." Kurt rolled his eyes, "But I- I'm just going to come out and say it because there's no easy way to say this; but I have cancer."

Blaine nodded sadly and looked down at his lap. The others around him didn't know what to say. What do you say at a time like this? Most of the teens' faces changed in different ways but the same sinking feeling in their chest was experienced by every single one of them.

"I- Blaine's has been there for every scan and every appointment no matter what." Kurt laughed and Blaine looked up to share a watery smile with his ex, "But it's not fair on him." Blaine's smile dropped, "And- and it's not fair if I keep stringing him along and getting him caught up in all of this."

Blaine opened his mouth as if to speak but Kurt shook his head, "It's not, Blaine, it's not fair. It's not fair on you to be dating someone who's going to die."

"But you're not going to die." Blaine stood up and Kurt shook his head.


"No." Blaine moved so he was right in front of Kurt, gripping his arms, "You are not going to die, I'll make sure of it."

"It's not exactly something you can control, Blaine." Kurt laughed, "And what happens if I do die, huh? You'll be left behind because I know that if I die you'll never move on. I don't want that for you."

"I'd rather be alone than with anyone but you."

"I know you say that now. But I want you to move on with your life and the only way that's going to happen is if you move on before I die."

"What if I don't want to move on?"

"You're gonna have to."

Kurt sighed and leaned forward to kiss Blaine gently, their lips barely grazing before Kurt was pulling back again. He smiled softly and wiped Blaine's tear-stained cheeks before pressing a kiss under each eye.


"Yes, Blaine?"

"You're not going to die."

Idek. I haven't updated in forever and I feel so bad. And not even just on this fic! I haven't updated Blaine & ND, Little White Lies or Dalton in agesssss. I feel so bad. I'm just going through a really tough time at the moment and I know that's no excuse but I'm just struggling to find the time and inspiration to write anymore. I've just kind of forced this chapter so it's not that good.. but it something, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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