Hold My Hand

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"Hold my hand?" Blaine whispered as he and Kurt approached their school.

"You don't have to ask." Kurt frowned as he laced their fingers together.

"I just don't know if you even want people to know about us." Blaine sighed as he swung their hands between their bodies.

"Why wouldn't I want people to know?" Kurt tilted his head as they neared the school entrance.

"Because people get bullied for being gay and it only gets worse when you actually do something to prove that you're gay." Blaine shrugged.

"Blaine, I've been bullied ever since I was a baby. Literally, my mom's friend's daughter always stole my toys." Kurt smiled as Blaine laughed, "No, in all seriousness, people can bully me all they want but it won't change me."

"Everyone says that but I'm pretty sure it does change people. It's definitely changed me." Blaine said awkwardly as the pair jogged up the stairs.

"Ok. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret because I like you."

"Gee thanks. My boyfriend likes me." Kurt chuckled at Blaine's reply.

"Blaine, I cried. I hated myself. I hated my life. I wanted to die. I didn't deal with the bullying. I survived it. It's wasn't about me, I realised. It had nothing to do with me. It was about the assholes doing it to me." Kurt paused for a moment as he and Blaine pushed through the doors before continuing, "My job and anyone who is being bullied job is to survive it. Not deal with it. Because it'll end. And it'll always get better."

"How do you know it'll get better though?" Blaine frowned as they reached his locker.

"Well, it definitely got better for me. I got you." Kurt grinned as Blaine blushed, "And now I'm not afraid of those assholes and I know how to stand up to them."

"Oh yeah, I remember on your first day and you scared Karofsky away." Blaine laughed, "That was awesome."

"Why thank you, Blaine Anderson." Kurt grinned.

"You're very welcome, Kurt Hummel."

"We have French now, right?" Kurt asked as Blaine took some books out of his locker and placed them in his bag.

"Yup. I still don't see the point of it. If I ever go to France then I will buy a French dictionary or something." Blaine shook his head as he shoulder his bag.

"But it's a romantic language, Blaine." Kurt put very over-the-top emphasis on the word 'romantic'.

"Stop that. And I know it's a romantic language but what does that have to do with anything?" Blaine rolled his eyes.

"Because we are in a romantic relationship." Kurt said as they neared his locker.

"I realised that." Blaine laughed as Kurt slapped his shoulder.

"Ooh! I know what kind if French you'll enjoy!" Kurt suddenly exclaimed.

"There are different kinds of French?" Blaine asked in disbelief as Kurt opened his locker.

"No, silly. I was thinking that we could try some French kissing." Kurt grabbed the books that he needed for that day before putting them in his bag.

"That's- uh -we could-we could try that." Blaine gulped as Kurt laughed and they both began walking down the corridor towards their French classroom.

"We will do that then." Kurt nodded.

"Hey lady boys. I heard you talking in French earlier." Blaine jumped as he heard Karofsky's voice.

"Oh hi Dave. You heard us? No! Really? That's insane! You were sat right next to us! How did you do that!" Kurt said sarcastically.

"Anyway," the jock cleared his voice, "I heard that you'd be trying out some French kissing. Sounds fun."

"Ooh, yes! We're really excited!" Kurt clapped in mock excitement, "Oh you didn't want to join us did you? Because we're going to my house and I don't think it's a very good idea for you to come to my house. You see, that's where I store most of my fairy dust. Wouldn't want you to catch my disease or anything."

"No, I'm pretty sure I've caught it already. You sprinkle it everywhere."

"Oh, you're gay?" Kurt frowned before turning to Blaine, "Well, I wasn't expecting that!" Blaine shook his head in agreement.

"What? No! No. I didn't mean it like that! I just- uh -Just- just go and spread it somewhere else." Karofsky glared at them once more before storming down the corridor.

"Well, do you think we should out him?" Blaine asked teasingly.

"No. I'd never out a fellow fairy." Kurt said as he placed his hand over his heart.

"Oh my god." Blaine laughed, "You're amazing. You know that, right?"

"I might just know that." Kurt smirked playfully.

"No, seriously. It takes so much courage to be able to stand up to a bully but you take the standing up thing to a whole new level. Like, wow!" Blaine grinned at Kurt.

"I am pretty awesome."

"Careful, you wouldn't want your ego to get too high. It's dangerous."

"Please, my ego is at a perfectly good height and there is always room for it to grow." Kurt scoffed.

"I'm sure-" Blaine was interrupted by the school bell ringing, "That was the bell. We should probably get to class."

"Ah, your intelligence, Mr. Anderson. It astounds me." Kurt said playfully.

"Oh, hush you." Blaine smirked as they stepped into their English class, hand in hand.

"Oh my god, I think I'm deaf in my left ear." Kurt complained as he stroked said ear.

"Lucky. I think I'm completely deaf." Blaine whined, "That girl doesn't know how to shut up, does she?"

"She's definitely something else." Kurt shook his head, "How does Finn put up with her?"

"I have no idea. But I suppose she had reason to shout down our ears the whole lesson." Blaine laughed.

"Yeah, we are pretty amazing. But how did she not know that we were dating?"

"I don't know. We literally said that we were dating yesterday in glee club."

"And I distinctly remember Rachel Berry telling me that she was top of her class in all of her classes. You'd think someone with that intelligence would remember these things." Kurt shook his head.

"You'd thi-" Blaine was interrupted by the school bell again, "I swear we get lesser and lesser time to get to lesson each time."

"Hurry up. We have Mr. Hayes next and you know what he's like if you're late." Kurt grabbed his hand as they both ran down the corridor.

"I swear he once gave some guy a detention for being a minute late to his class."

"I rest my case. Now come on."

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