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"Have you guys seen Kurt?" Blaine frowned as he sat on the bench next to Rachel.

"No. I thought he was with you. He always is." Finn raised an eyebrow from across Blaine.

"Nope. Not today." Blaine glanced around the cafeteria before continuing, "We were together for the morning but then he sort of disappeared and now I don't know where he is."

"Oh. Well, I'm sure he'll turn up."

"I hope so."


"Bonjour classe. As-tu tes devoirs? Parce-"

A knock at the door silenced the French teacher as she walked towards the door and opened it, listening closely to the man.

Blaine watched as the woman turned slowly and immediately met his eyes, "Blaine Anderson?"

Blaine's eyes widened and he glanced awkwardly around the classroom but stood up nonetheless, shouldered his bag and walked out of the classroom.

"What am I doing here, Mr. Schue?" Blaine frowned as his glee coach and Kurt's dad sat in front of him as he stood and looked down at them.


"What's wrong?" Blaine's breathing quickened.

"It's, uh, it's Kurt."

Blaine's breathing completely stopped.

"He's, umm, he's in the hospital."

Blaine was sure he was going to die.

"He's got, err, he's got cancer, Blaine. I'm so sorry. You ca-"

Blaine closed his eyes as tears immediately rolled down his cheeks. Why hadn't Kurt told him? Did Kurt know before today?

Blaine couldn't hear anything. It was completely silent and he hated it. He wanted Kurt. He needed Kurt. Kurt must need him too. He needs to go find Kurt.

Blaine slowly backed out of the room and ran as fast as he could down the corridors and out of the school. He could here the yells of Mr. Schue and Burt, trying to get him to come back.

But he wasn't coming back. He was going to Kurt.

He climbed into his car and slipped out of the car park, heading straight to the hospital.

10 minutes later, Blaine was outside a hospital. Blaine couldn't remember it's name. He didn't really care, either.

He sprinted through the corridors before he got to a desk. He didn't know where he was or what he was doing but he needed Kurt.

"I need Kurt Hummel." Blaine yelled at the woman sat behind the desk, "Where is he?"

"Sir, keep your voice down. Take a deep breath an-"

"No! I don't have time for that! Tell me where Kurt Hummel is!"

"I'll, uh, I'll check the system." Blaine tapped his fingers impatiently on the desk. He could feel eyes watching him but he couldn't be bothered to turn and see who it was, "He's not here, sir."

"Where can I find him then?" Blaine sighed, "All I know is that he has cancer and he's only seventeen an-"

"Sir, I think if you go down this corridor," The lady stood up to point down a corridor, "And then turn right you should come to three doors. Go to the first one on your left and there should be a woman in there who can help you."

"Thank you." Blaine whispered before turning and sprinting back down the corridor, following the directions he was just given.

"Hi, sir welcome to-"

"Please, I need Kurt Hummel." Blaine said breathlessly as he reached another desk.

"Oh, yes. Kurt Hummel. He's doing just fine, sir. He has prostate cancer but he's-"

Blaine stopped listening again. How could she be so calm?

"Can I see him?"

"Not right now, sir. Only family's are allowed to vis-"

"I'm Kurt's brother." Blaine smiled awkwardly.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, sir! You should've sa-"

"Yeah, can you tell me where he is now?"

"Right, yeah. He's in ward C which is just down that corridor and the second door on your left."

"Thanks." Blaine smiled before turning and walking slowly down the corridor. He was going to see Kurt. It feels like he hasn't seen Kurt for years.

"Blaine?" Blaine's breathing stopped... Again.

"Kurt." He breathed out before running straight to the boy and scooping him up in his arms. It seemed as if time stopped. As if he and Kurt were the only ones in the world. And that was okay, "Are you okay?"

"I'm great, actually. It doesn't feel like I have cancer. And I get free TV." Kurt grinned.

"I love you." Blaine laughed.

"I love you too." Kurt rested his hand on Blaine's cheek to wipe away a tear which just fell from Blaine's eye, "Hey, don't cry. I'm alright. I promise, I'll be out before you now it."

"You promise?"

"On my honour as a Boy Scout." Kurt squeezed his yes shut and placed his hand over his chest.

"Idiot." Blaine laughed before leaning down and pressing his lips to Kurt's.

Kurt smiled against Blaine's lips before pulling away and pressing his forehead to Blaine's, "Seriously, I'm gonna be okay. I really do promise."

"God, Kurt. I was worried so much." Blaine scrunched his face up, "I left your dad at school."

"Yeah, you did." Blaine jumped away from Kurt and stared at the owner of the voice, "And you skipped school."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, kid." Burt chuckled, "I'm not mad. But I'm sure you would've gotten here quicker if you waited for me so I could've showed you where Kurt was straight away."

"Wait." Kurt frowned and turned to his boyfriend, "How did you get in here? I thought only family could visit."

"Geez, Kurt. I am family. I'm your brother." Blaine rolled his eyes, a faint smile on his lips.

"Eww. I just kissed my brother." Kurt squirmed and wiped his lips.

Blaine narrowed his eyes at Kurt, trying to ignore the death glares he was getting from Kurt's dad.

"So, uh, when do you think you're gonna get outta here?"

"Blaine, it's, uh, it's..." Kurt closed his eyes, "It's terminal. It's going to kill me. I'm going to die, Blaine."

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