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I arose in a foreign room the next morning- or night considering it was before dawn- and was quickly on guard. I soon realised that this was a room in the cabin as the walls were the same material as the lounge room.

I silently cursed myself for falling asleep unguarded.

After a quick weapon count, I pondered over the situation I had brought upon myself. I was in a hunting cabin located in the middle of a forest, accompanied by two mutants with wings as a result of my adoptive father's research experiment, trying to survive and keep away from the public eye all while having the ultimate goal of learning how to fly.

Isn't the world just great?

I forced myself to roll out of the moderately comfortable bed and complete a twenty minute series of warm up exercises. As well as adding in a few extras I had constructed on the long flight here.

I tried stretching my wing muscles forward and attempting to have both wing tips touch each other in front of me. The best way to describe this feeling was trying to have your shoulders touch each other. I also let out my tails, stretching them back and forth- as well as practicing my wing retraction time. It still only took a few seconds, but I discovered that I can slow down the process as well.

Silently, I crept towards the lounge room and reached for my back pack. I noticed the files still on the floor and hesitantly picked up a few of them and stored them away in my pack. I was half asleep last night and wasn't thinking clearly, I can't break it to them all at once.

I then moved towards the bathroom with my backpack, completing the morning necessities before pulling my hair back into a tight braid. Unfortunately, I realised, my 'Icarus transformation' also lengthened my hair. I found this out when I continued to plait the braid all the way down to my shorts. My pure white hair fell just past the elastic of my short's waistband. A haircut would be nice but considering I'm in a forest that probably wasn't going to happen.

I then made my way outside and practiced lift off techniques for future flying. This lasted about half an hour before I actually flew. My photographic memory memorised the layout of all of the nearby forest. I had even located a large meadow perfect for practicing not only flying but things such as fighting techniques.

Dawn was soon approaching so I made my way back towards the cabin. I cherished the last few minutes of peaceful flying before landing on the metal roof of the hunting cabin as lightly as possible.

I sat down and watched as the sun began to rise. I had been contemplating something for a while now.
My song-Or the song of death if we're being blunt-had yet to be sung since the Professor had died.

After a good few days of contemplating whether or not I should even give him the respect of singing the song, I had come to a conclusion.

The sun had now begun peaking through the trees as I began singing.

After I had finished, I felt as though a massive weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.

"Lucy!" I suddenly heard, it was Miguel.

"Lucy! Come down before you hurt yourself!" This time it was from Tyler. I breathed out and slowly stood up, then gracefully turned around-which made the air-flow swirl my braid around- and spread my wings.

I glided down slowly into the ground and sighed. I then realised that Tyler and Miguel were still standing there, just in front of the doorway, staring at me. I could feel the awkward tension begin so I politely asked;"Is it time for breakfast?" They were still silent and speechlessly nodded there heads.

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