Morgan's tragic lunch

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Morgan Freeman walked into the senior center with a huge smile on his face. This was his first time eating here and he heard the food is delicious.

Okay Morgan, we need to eat, get back to set, and finish that koala documentary. He thought to himself. This is going to be great!

When he got to the cafeteria, Morgan was stopped by the security guard, mr. O'neille.

"Sorry mr. Freeman, you can't go in there." He said. "It's all out war."

Morgan stared hard at the guard and thought, this kid is going to deny me, Morgan Freeman, food? Not today.

He pushed mr. O'neille out of the way and marched angrily into the cafeteria. The guard was right! There was food everywhere! Pizza, cheese, crackers, and soup flying at 70 year olds standing on tables. It looked like a circus! As soon as the door closed, Morgan was hit with a pepperoni pizza.

"HEY! WHO DID THAT?" Morgan yelled. "WHO HIT ME?" He was steamed.

A little old lady, about 73, called from a table on the far side of the room, "YOO-HOO! MORGAN! I THOUGHT YOU WOULD LIKE SOME PIZZA!"

As she and her friends laughed at the joke, Morgan walked to the nearest table and climbed on top. The lady next to him shoved a plate of mashed potatoes in his face. Morgan was so mad that he caught on fire.

Everyone screamed and ran out, the sprinklers turned on and started to extinguish the fire, finally, mr. O'Neille ran in and then immediately walked out. When the fire was gone everyone found that Morgan Freeman is now a pile of steamed broccoli.

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