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Brocplanet has been taken over. The brocpeople are forced to bring all their books to the cauliflower ships. Anyone who fails to bring books to the ships are zapped. Morgan freebroccoli has been taken captive and brought back to the celeplanet.

Morgan was brought before the celequeen.

"Steamed broccoli being" the Queen began. "Take this standardized test from a planet known as 'earth'"

I'm p sure Morgan like almost died cuz like he was trgin to pretend he's dum but like now there's a test that he's def gon Ace. So like Morgan took the test and didn't die. Then he was sent to the dungeon so that the Queen could review the test.

In the dungeon, Morgan found mothman, stan, and like 12 other brocpeople, plus like 6 different vegiepeople and an apple person.

Morgan ran up to mothman (obvi with a slight smile and no tears) "what even happens when you get zapped? I thought you were dead!"

Mothman hugged morgan; low-key crying. Morgan was so worried he started high-key crying. They stood there for a solid ten minute hugging and crying before mothman said "I was so scared. One minute I was flying and then there was a flash of light and I fell and i tried to fly but my wings wouldn't move..." Mothman started crying like so hard that like the dungeon started to flood and the apple person started running around screaming about apple bobbing at state fairs.

Morgan comforted mothman until he was ready to talk again.

Morgman FreemothWhere stories live. Discover now