Peppercorn bridge brigade

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Sam walked back to hq and yelled for tony. He came out and told her they needed more shoes. Sam and tony went to the store and bought a lot of shoes. Like, 10,000 pairs. They brought the shoes back to hq and handed them out to the five other members of the peppercorn bridge brigade. They're supposed to be watching the bridge and making sure no one dies or something but separating 10,000 pairs of shoes between seven people was more important. Sadly, when they were through 6 pairs of shoes the alarm rang and everyone had to run to check the bridge. When they got to the minister room they found a puppy. There were no cars on the bridge so it would be easy to get it. But when Sam got to it the puppy ran away. She chased after it but stopped a few feet in front of Morgan Freeman who is now made of steamed broccoli that was stacked together to look human. "Sup." He said. Sam screamed and ran away. No one knows what happened to him or the puppy but we're sure he's fine so everything's boring and normal and now two months later they're still going through those shoes.

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