sun bugs

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Tippi fly flew into the sun but didn't get burned because everyone thinks the sun is really hot but it's not according to tippi and he's not the only one because there's a ton of flies there. Tippis best friend from first grade, Janice mosquito, is there. She drinks mimosas all day and tells really awkward stories. One day Janice was telling a story about when the sun was really hot. "Ye we all would've died probably." Janice killed the mood. Luckily Morgan Freeman lives on the sun as well. "Once you are steamed broccoli you must stay steamed." He says. No one else is steamed broccoli. It's just one broccoli man and a million fire colored bugs. Anyways tippi ate Morgan Freeman's ear. Apparently Morgan Freeman is poisonous. All the bugs are ded now. Morgan Freeman rules the sun. Which is how it should be.

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