Morgan Freeman x mothman

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so as his first order of business steamed broccoli Morgan Freeman has decided he wants to summon and date mothman. So he sent 10 brocpeople to summon mothman and bring him back to the castle. So when they get back he's al like OK sweat let's date. So he takes mothman to the broccoli garden where they have a nice date. They both eat steamed broccoli. (I'm p sure this is an entire planet of broccoli canibals) so mothmans like "god tier huh? Ye I was there a few years back. P good right." And Morgan's like "shut up mothman I just wanna date you" and mothmans like "o my" and blushes and Morgan's like "alright im bored" and leaves and mothmans like "hecc" but like I'm p sure they still text but being a god is v boring.

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