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Morgan freebroccoli and mothman or now known as  Morgman freemoth     Find themselves in what can only be described as an old lady's house. There are little glass figurines everywhere and plastic on all the furniture. This poor old lady is a fool to think mothman won't eat her plastic furniture. As mothman settles down with a nice big piece of plastic couch, Morgan goes looking for the old lady that definitely totally probably lives here. He looks everywhere but doesn't see an old lady. Just her dog. A little brown and white chihuapoodledor. It doesn't have a collar so Morgan names it "plebeian". Plebeian follows him around the house and growls at mothman who has already eaten half the plastic couch (even the parts that aren't actually plastic). Morgan and plebeian leave the house and find themselves on a mountain. The house behind them starts to fade and mothman makes it out just in time, bringing with him of course a whole plastic arm chair. They start down the mountain and find some goat kids playing rochambo. Plebeian runs up to them and joins the game, effectively kicking one of them so hard they went flying off the mountain.   Morgman freemoth    Decided to leave plebeian to play his game and continue their trek down the mountain. Miraculously when they get to the bottom, they are on just another mountain and plebeian is running at them full force and is definitely wearing an old lady nightgown and nightcap.  Morgman freemoth    Ignore plebeian and go down the mountain again but plebeian just keeps running at them. Eventually he'll catch up but who cares. At the bottom of the mountain is a pit filled with plastic furniture. Mothman attaches himself to it like a fly to a glue trap. There is nothing Morgan can do, his friend is lost to the plastic. Plebeian finally catches up but is no longer a dog. He is now an old lady who just baked a whole butt ton of cookies for Morgan.   Morgman freemoth   Sit there and stuff their faces with delicious treats, never the wiser that this old lady or plebeian or whatever you'd like to call her is actually the worm that killed them before it died. 

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