He visits you in the hospital

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Gabe: You feel...pain. That crash had been pretty bad, but you aren't in too horrible of shape. You ring for your nurse hoping to get some pain medication when suddenly, you are greeted by a giant display of flowers and presents walking into your hospital room. You're puzzled by this and start to giggle. Ow...note to self: don't laugh. It hurts. The gifts find their way to a bedside table. "And who do I have to thank for this," you ask in a weak voice. "...Batman." You smile bigger than ever. "Thank you, Gabe." He takes off the Batman mask and sits on the side of your bed. "You're welcome, Sweetheart. Are you okay?" You nod and he gives you a gentle kiss on the forehead.

Dana: You're just being wheeled back from a plethora of tests when you hear light snoring coming from your hospital room. You know who it is, and it makes you smile brightly. Your boyfriend, Dana, has come to visit with you in the hospital. You thank the transporter for wheeling you around and quietly walk back to the bed. Climbing in, you stay on your side and watch him for a little while. He's so cute when he's sleeping...your nurse comes in and sees you. "He tried to stay awake, but he must have had quiet a night last night. He passed right out!" You giggle to yourself. "Yes, he did have quiet the evening." She leaves after putting your heart monitor back on, and Dana wakes up to the sound of the beeps. "You're back," he exclaims as he rushes to your side. "I'm sorry you got hurt at the show last night! No more general admission for you. From now on, you're staying backstage." He kisses your hand as you place your head back on the pillow.

Will: "Where is she?" You hear Will from the hallway. "In here, Will," you say, hoping he hears you. Just as he enters your hospital room, your lunch arrives. "Oh, great! I'm starving!" You try to sit up in bed, but your ribs still hurt from being trampled by rabid 5ers the  day before. They were too excited to see the boys and didn't look where they were going. You didn't hold them responsible. You'd have done the same if put into a similar situation. "Will, can you help me? I want to get higher up in bed and I can't do it myself because I still hurt so much." He pouts when you tell him you're still in pain, but he gladly helps you. Placing his strong, muscular arms around you, he pulls you up in bed with no effort whatsoever. "Thanks, honey. I hate to have to ask, but can you push my food tray over me? I can't reach." He looks at you with a sly smile. "Only if I can have some food, too." You laugh as you reply "That's why I ordered so much!"

Cole: You're upset. You're in the hospital and your boyfriend, Cole, can't break away from his busy schedule to come and visit you. "I'm sorry, baby. I just...I can't make it. I'm too far away. The tour has to go on. I blame management. I hate that I can't be with you after I wasn't even able to save you from the accident. I love you, please don't forget that because I really, truly do. You're my one and only angel from the Heavens above and I'd be so lost without you. Please don't think I don't want to see you because I really do. I really, really do. That's why you should look at the door to your hospital room right now." You're about to scream at him when you look at the door and see him standing there holding a beautiful floral arrangement and a "Get Well Soon" balloon. You throw a pillow at him for making you so upset at first. He smiles and walks over to you, giving you a quick kiss before setting down the flowers. "You didn't really think I'd leave my girl alone in a hospital, did you?" He pulls up a chair and sits down next to you, softly stroking your hair.

Dalton: You're completely disoriented. The crash had been huge. You were lucky to be alive. You hope against hope that Dalton hasn't gotten wind of what happened yet because he'd be freaking out if he thought you might not have survived, which is what easily could have happened. You ring for your pain medicine and the nurse pushes some through your IV. You relax a little as you feel the morphine work its way through your system. I wonder where he is...Just as you're about to drift back to sleep, you hear a ruckuss outside of your room. "WHERE IS SHE? I NEED TO SEE HER! PLEASE TELL ME SHE'S ALIVE!!!" You know that voice anywhere. "Dalton," you say softly, knowing no one can hear you because you're too weak to speak any louder. You try, though, and you manage to yell loud enough for him to hear you. He dashes into your room. "YOU'RE OKAY," he exclaims as security follows him into your room. "Sir, if you do not calm down, we'll be forced to escort you from the property." You look at the security guards and tell them it's alright now, that he was just extremely worried because you were in an accident involving a drunk driver. They exit the room as Dalton gently drapes himself across you. "I thought you might have died," he tells you while a tears falls down his sweet face. You smile and tell him you're okay. "Here, I got you this to make you feel better." He hands you a teddy bear which is wearing a little t-shirt. On the t-shirt is your faces with a plus sign between them, and below that it says "I'll love you 5ever." You whisper "I love you, Dalton Rapattoni." He says it back and kisses you, cradling your head in his hand. He breaks the kiss and climbs into your hospital bed and holds you carefully. "I'll never let you go ever again," he says quietly as you fall asleep in his arms.

Author's note:

I'm so sorry the Dalton one is much longer than the other ones! I just had that idea in mind for a while for him. The others were rather recent ideas, which is why they are short. If you would like a preference or an imagine for IM5 personalized for you, tweet me @AradiaLovesIM5 or go to my ask.fm/AradiaLovesIM5 and tell me your name. If you have any ideas/situations or specific guys (Specific guys refer to Imagines only), they are also welcome!

Hope you enjoyed my first attempt at preferences!

Much love,


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