You make him smile when he's upset

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Dana: Your boyfriend Dana has just gotten back from a 3 week tour. He seems less excited than usual to see you, which concerns you. You ask him what's wrong and he tells you "The Avalon cut our set short. We were so pissed! I still am." He explains what happened and how his dad was threatened. You throw your arms around him and kiss his cheek. "Why don't you dance it out?" He smiles at you, putting his arm around you. "Only if you'll dance with me."

Will: You've heard what happened at the Avalon. You know Will is going to be upset when he gets back. You get busy in the kitchen, making all sorts of treats for him when he gets home when you get an idea. Ingredients begin flying everywhere. You go spread out what you've made in the front yard, and as you cover it with a tarp, you see Will sulking towards you. "What's this," he asks. You respond "Open it!" He asks you to help him. You attempt to unveil your masterpiece, but it's gotten stuck to the tarp and your work of art has been ruined. You frown, which makes Will smile. "Did you try to spell something out for me?" You nod, defeated. "It was supposed to say I LOVE YOU, WILL." He pulls you close and holds you. "It's the thought that counts, beautiful girl."

Gabe: He's upset. You don't know what to do. He's shouting in Spanish things you don't and couldn't even if your tried to understand. You're trying to think of ways to calm him, but the only thing you want to do is kiss him and make him feel better. You start getting frustrated when he won't speak in English, so you begin shouting back at him in words that sound Spanish, but aren't. He looks at you, puzzled. "What are you doing?" "I don't know any Spanish, so I was shouting things that sounded Spanish!" You stand face to face and he smiles. "You're adorable." He kisses you and says "Thank you. I love you."

Cole: "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! WHAT THE...JUST...UGH!!!" He's full of rage. You're afraid to go near him. You've never seen him like this. You're actually scared of your boyfriend. You're standing against a wall, waiting for him  to hopefully cool off, but you know he won't. You finally gather the courage to walk over and tap him on the shoulder. "WHAT??" He sees you jump in fright. "Baby, I'm sorry. I'm just really angry at the Avalon because of what they did to our fans." You go to hug him and he smiles. "You really are the best girlfriend ever. I love you so much. I'm sorry I scared you." You rub his back. "It's okay, Cole. Just remember I love you a whole lot, okay?"

Dalton: "GOD DAMNIT!" Your boyfriend, Dalton, has just gotten back from tour. You know what happened at The Avalon, and you had a little surprise in store for your amazing lover. He turns, shocked, when he hears your voice. "I know you're mad, but please just listen. I can fix you with just one kiss and if you let me I'll make your troubles go away. I'll make them go away." You perform the entire song you wrote him. He's in awe of you. You finish the song and stand up. "I wrote it for you." His frown turns to a smile. "That was awesome." He pulls you close and gazes into your eyes. "You're so amazing. You never cease to shock me in the most incredible ways."

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