How you act together on a cold winter night

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Cole: You and your family are freezing. It's a power outage due to excessive amounts of snow falling outside and bouncing the powerlines.You'd invited your boyfriend, Cole, to have dinner, but now he was snowed in with the rest of you. He texts his mom letting her know you're together and he's with your family. Your mom brings down blankets from the attic and your dad gets the kerosene heater from the basement. Once it's lit, Cole pulls you closer to it and puts his arm around you. "Get close, baby. Don't freeze. I love you too much for that to happen."

Dana: "It's SO cold out here!!!" You're rubbing your arms. You and your boyfriend, Dana, had just left the movie theater and the temperature had dropped significantly. You start shivering and your teeth begin to chatter. You're shaking when suddenly you feel strong arms wrap around you. "It's okay, Sweety. I'll keep you warm," Dana says as he holds you close.

Dalton: "I'm so bored..." You and your boyfriend, Dalton, are bored at your house. Randomly, he gets up, opens your front door and walks outside. "What are you doing?" You're puzzled as you watch him spin around under the newly falling scattered snowflakes. "Come on! It's beautiful out here." "Hold on a sec." You run to the kitchen, make two cups of hot cocoa and join Dalton on the front porch looking out at the flutters of white dancing their way to the ground.

Gabe: You're walking home from a wonderful night with your boyfriend, Gabe. It's cold out, and you forgot your jacket, so whenever he's not watching you you're doing everything you can to stay warm. He turns away and you blow into your hands, but he turns back too fast and catches you. "Are you cold?" You shrug your shoulders as if it makes no difference. He rolls his eyes and takes off his jacket, smiling. "All you had to do was say so. I don't want my baby shivering." He drapes it over you and you hold it closely as he holds you.

Will: "CRAP!" You come running over to your boyfriend, Will. "What's the matter, babe?" He looks upset. "I just spilled my hot cider all over my pants!" You giggle and hug him. "It's okay. At least you'll stay warm that way!" He looks at you and puts his arm around you. "Are you cold?" You nod yes. "Me, too. Let's go inside and have some nice hot chocolate with big, fluffy marsh mallows."

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