The Infant Chapter 8

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~~~~~Chapter 8: HELP ME!~~~~~

I got a call from my best friend from the orphanage I used to go to, Rosia. She announced that she will be moving to York in a month. It sounded like forever, but there is one thing for sure, SCHOOL. I got enrolled in a school called St Paul's College. When I heard about the school I was going to in 2 DAYS, I started getting nervous. I mean I haven't been told about this until now, I went shopping with mum (Mrs Corte) to the uniform shop for a start. Then we got all the uniform I needed (which took 2 hours) and went to get exercise books and stationery and set off home. The day went by so quickly and everything went so smoothly until...

Ok, so things went well, until I went up to my room, unpacked all my stuff, and opened the cupboard door, I saw a sign, written in smudged red text, reading "HELP ME". I quickly shut the cupboard door and stepped back, to hear the sound of the two words, on the sign. I heard it again, repetitively, messing my head and...BAM! Thats all I remember, I woke up to the sound of my parents, telling me to wake up. I was in hospital. I slowly woke up, still had a blurred vision. I managed to speak and ask "What is going on?" My parents and little Amy start fussing about if I was okay. "GUYS I AM FINE!" I shout, with a promising expression. They stop, and stay silent, standing at the side of my hospital bed. I end up getting back home later at night, thinking about all that drama that went on today.

Next morning, I beg my mum for me to go to school tomorrow. I fake cried, argued even kneeled on my knees, BEGGING her to let me go to school the next day. Sh ended up agreeing, but gave me a long lecture on taking care of myself and if anything happened, I would have to report to a teacher immediately. I reassured her that I would be fine and that I would do as I'm told. I decided that since I had nothing to do, I set off to Magg's place down the road.

As I walk to Magg's house, I hear voices saying "Help me" and "Come", but I seem to ignore it. I felt some what comfortable, like there is no problem at all. As I walk down the bike path, I hear the words repetitively, but I feel as though a barrier is protecting me from the evil, I feel warm and safe inside. As I reach to the porch of Magg's house, I ring the door bell, seeing the old Magg's inviting me in for a cup of tea. She insisted on giving me tea, but another fact about me, I HATE TEA. As we take a seat, I stare at her, waiting for her to say something. She doesn't say a word. "Maggs, I have something to tell you about." I say. She looks at me, looking curious about the next BIG event that is to be told by...ME! "What is it now darl?" she asks. "Well, I got home from shopping yesterday, unpacking all the stuff bought from the shops, open my cupboard door to find out that there is a note in there saying help me!" I say, trying to explain quickly but clearly. She stairs at me, breathless. "God, I didn't know things could get this serious, I mean, never has anyone been haunted this badly by the infant."she says, calmly. "Gee Maggs, that sure clears things up!" I say in sarcasm. I stare at her again. "I feel there is more to this." she says, feeling anxious. "Well, as I stepped back, I heard a child's voice saying help me constantly, and ended up passing out, and before I knew it, I was in HOSPITAL." I replied, looking worried. Maggs looked just as worried, and probably felt as worried as well. ", how could this happen so soon?" she asks, practically whispering. "What, what's happened so soon?" I ask, feeling VERY curious.

That's it. My life is OVER. Maggs told me everything. That's right, there's EVEN more to this. She told me that after the infants death, there was a letter. This letter was written by a felt tip pen, actually moving on its own. This happened 2 years ago. The police continued the investigation of the burnt down orphanage, trying to look for more evidence. As all the policemen walked in, they saw a piece of paper, and a pen. They looked at it, since this was particularly weird. The weird thing was, the fact that the paper was clean, and the paper was just there, out of no where. As one of the policemen was about to pick up the piece of paper, the pen just got up, and starting writing words on the page. As the pen just dropped, and finished writing the letter, one of the policemen picked it up, and began reading. The letter read:

Dear intruders,

I would like you to get out of this building now before someone gets hurt. I advise you never to set foot in this building again. If anyone goes any further into this building at any time, they shall be killed or someone in this neighbourhood that moves in this street, shall be mine, and shall be tortured forever. But, if you don't want that particular person to suffer, you will have to HELP ME!

From, the known, but unknown INFANT.

As Maggs said the whole entire thing by heart, I opened my mouth wide.

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