Part 1

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Hi everyone! I sincerely apologize for not uploading sooner. But, I really wanted to get this story online for all of you to enjoy it. Just a note: Think of it as if you are watching a TV show and each part is a single season of a series. Also, this focuses on some serious themes and I apologize if the characters seem kind of bland at first. Also, the cover right now is temporary, I'm in the process of making a new one, but for now the image of one of the main characters will have to do (especially since I need to focus on designing a video game for my graphic design class by May 2nd...yay life!) That all being said, enjoy!!!


Chapter 1

The Empire of Sinis, a powerful nation that rules half of the worlds' countries. Unfortunately, the once powerful nation of Ezana has fallen victim to the Sination Empire.

Before it was taken over, Ezana was home to a certain race of humans known as the Keys, humans born with special powers and abilities, such as controlling the main elements and healing as well. However, there is a rare race of Keys known as the Twelve Sacred Keys of Ezana, or Sacred Keys. Unlike the other Keys, the Sacred can create portals to transport themselves and are said to have created the world itself. All of them have the power of one of the twelve elements said to make up the world. The twelve elements are: Life, Metal, Greed, Plants, Ice, Death, Blood, Water, Fire, Air, Energy, and Darkness. Today, no one knows how many of the Twelve are left in Ezana or the world itself.

Thalia Mirrick has witnessed what happens when Keys are found living within the walls of the Sination Empire. She will never forget her mother begging the Sinis military officers not to take her children away from her. "Please, I beg of you! Don't take them from me!" Her mother cried out as she held Thalia tightly in her arms. The tears dripping down from her mother's face and onto her own will forever live inside her memories.

"You filthy whore! You're responsible for bringing this monster into this world!" Before her brother could react, the man sent a bullet straight into her mother's skull, sending blood to spatter over Thalia's and her brother's face.

Time seemed to slow down as the twins watched their mother fall to the ground, lifeless and cold. "No!" Her brother cried as a soldier restrained him, beginning to drag him away from his mother's dead body. "Mom! No!" Tears streamed over the fresh blood resting on his face.

Thalia just started at her; the non-moving stone cold body of her loving mother. As the soldiers began to drag her and her twin brother away, she realized that she would never hear her the sweet, tender voice of her mother ever again.

It was that very day that caused her to have so much hatred towards the Sination Empire. At that very moment, she vowed that she would make Ezana a free country once more. Free from Sinis.

Damn terrorist! I'll show you what happens when you mess with me. Thalia angled her Sentinel at the attacker and pressed down the red button on her control panel. "Die, bitch!" Bullets spewed from the machine gun and landed a precision hit on the rival's dated machine. Laughing with happiness, she crossed her arms and watched as the machine in front of her became nothing but spewed shrapnel.

To Thalia, this was an everyday routine. Go to school then fight terrorists. Not much of anything else after that. Travis, her twin brother is her partner in the Sinis Special Key Military Branch. Apparently, the Emperor of Sinis decided that his nation's military should consist of Keys in order to fight fire with fire, so to speak. To Thalia, this was a stupid idea. Yeah, make Keys fight one another in order to conquer the entire Boundary. Real smart.

Luckily, Sentinel 213 did all the ruthless killing for her. And sometimes, she feels like she no longer belongs to Ezana. That she can no longer call herself Exanan. The military's Key Branch consists of herself, Travis, Kevin, Naomi, Jacob, and Vita; all led by General Adams, who is also a Key.

"Thalia, did you get him?" The sound of her brother's voice brings pure relief to Thalia, knowing that no harm came to him. She put her hand up to the communicator in her ear and responded to him.

"Is that even a question? Of course I got him. I rarely ever miss." That was a lie, and Travis knew that. "No seriously, I hit him. Let me just go scout the area for survivors and then we can leave." Travis sighed at the other end of the call as Thalia landed her Sentinel and exited the mechanism to face the devastation outside the machine's safety.

Armed with her gun, she walked carefully towards an enemy wreckage in the distance. As much as she hated this part of the job, she held in her annoyance and faced what was ahead of her.

Please be dead. Please be dead. Please be dead. She thought as she kicked over what was left of the dated Sentinel. For terrorists, you would think that they would at least have better arsenal. But, that doesn't seem to be true in this situation.

She continued to move around the pieces, when out of nowhere a strong hand clasped over her mouth, muffling her scream, and restrained her from running away. What's happening? How did she not see this coming? Usually, Thalia is aware of everything happening around her. If that's the case, then where did this person come from, and how did she miss him?

She jerked her head around trying to get a look at her attacker, only to notice that they were hiding their face with a visor that acted as a mask to cover their face. However, she knew that this person was male. He pulled her closer towards him, and being as small as she was, it didn't take much for him to do so.

Doing her best to relax, and trying to remember her training if something like this ever happened, Thalia tried to focus and listen to what he had to say.

The blood from his hand began to stream into her mouth and down her throat, forcing her to swallow the foul liquid and snap her mouth shut in order to prevent more from entering her body. The boy tightened his grip and spoke clearly to Thalia. "Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn't kill you right now." A reason? Does Thalia even know how to answer his question?

He tightened his grip, desperate for an answer—only she doesn't know what she should say. Why am I doing this? That very question haunted her as she looked up at her attacker. From fatigue, he suddenly collapsed to his knees, still restraining Thalia. "Please. Just tell me why I shouldn't kill you. Give me a reason damn it!" He's begging. Why? Is he afraid to die?

He finally released her so she could answer him. "I'm sorry. I have no good reason." She said as she staggered to her feet. "The only thing I can think of right now is that we are both Keys and we should not kill our own kind." Even though she couldn't see his face, she refused to look at him.

" think it's so wrong...then why are you fighting for them?" He said trying to calm himself down. Thalia didn't want this to go on any longer than it has to; she breathed deeply before speaking again.

"Because I had no choice. It was fight for Sinis or die." Her voice trailed off. He was still shouting at her as she turned her back to him and walked away from him—sparing his life.


I know it's short, but trust me the chapters get longer and better. I really do hope you enjoy it. In the next chapter we are introduced to a few new characters. Yes, that one is short too, but like I said, we have to get passed the boring stuff first before we get to all the action. Enjoy!

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