Chapter 3

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"So why weren't you in class today?" A girl said as she looked down at him with her hands placed firmly on her hips. "Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to you, Kerian!" Damn, she's not giving up. Persistent isn't she?

Kerian tilted his head back in order to look at the girl hovering over him. "I have my reasons." He said smirking just because he knew it would annoy the shit out of her.

"Stop being such a smartass! Jeez, for a cute guy you sure are a huge jerk. Good luck ever trying to get a girl to date you!" She stomped away, fuming with anger—or rage. It doesn't matter.

"Yeah, and having a girlfriend concerns me so much." She's not wrong, he is a smartass. His eyes suddenly grew wide and his snarky smirk disappeared as he saw her coming towards him. He noticed her, good that's what she was going for. "Hey, Vi! What's up?"

Vita Corvannon could tell that he looked happy to see her—from where she was standing, she heard everything that happened between Kerian and that girl. She has known Kerian Blake for far too long—since the first grade. The two grew up together, making them almost inseparable. Vita trusts him so much that she told him that she works for the military and that she is a part of the Special Key Division—she didn't tell him that she is one of the Twelve Sacred Keys. How would he react if he knew that about her? Would they still be friends? Only, Vita doesn't want to risk ruining their friendship, she's just glad that a human like him accepts her as a Key.

"Nothing really. But my problems aren't important right now." She said sitting down next to him.

"What do you mean? Of course they are." Kerian said, wincing as he scooted over.

"I think that should answer your question." She said gesturing to his bandage-covered arms and the bruises and scratches on his face.

Kerian raised an eyebrow before looking down at himself. "Oh...t-that." What did that idiot do this time? "Yeah. in a car accident." For some reason, he seemed a bit nervous to talk about it.

"What? When did this happen? And why didn't you tell me?" She couldn't help it; Vita has always felt the need to protect Kerian. Therefore, her concern for him is a natural reaction.

"Woah! Relax." He said holding his hands out in front of his face. "It's not like I'm in a coma or anything. If that was the case, then you have my permission to panic."

"So, what you're saying is that I can only show concern for you if you're hospitalized?" She said as if she was actually saying: are you serious?

Kerian can be quite complicated sometimes. But, to Vita, that small aspect doesn't matter to her; as long as he's alive and well will always bring a smile to her face.

Time seemed to pass as school ended and Kerian decided that he wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer, which isn't surprising, and walk Vita back to the military housing. As injured as he was, Vita was surprised he was up and walking. "Kerian, are you sure you're okay?"

He sighed. Vita's heart sank when she noticed how upset he looked. "Do you...think that the war between the Sinations and the Keys will ever end?" Why would he ask that? The war has been going on since before we were born.

"I d-don't know. I hope so, but I don't have an answer to that. I'm sorry." She said, suddenly feeling sadness well up inside of her.

"You don't have to apologize, Vi. I was just wondering if there is a way to stop all of this fighting." Honestly, that is part of the reason Vita willingly joined the military—to end the war and take down the Sinis Empire from the inside. Why can't Keys and Sinations make peace and live together in harmony? That's all she has ever wanted. Peace.

"There is a way, Kerian. There is always a way." Vita said smiling slightly at him.

Why did she say that? Was it a lie—no, of course it wasn't. She will find a way to end the war. It has gone on for too long now; it is time to end it. The time has come to cease all of this ridiculous fighting once and for all.

"Well, here we are!" Kerian said stopping in front of a large mansion-like house. "I'll see you tomorrow, Vi. Be careful okay? I don't know what I would do without you. After all, you are my best friend." Vita hugged him gently, trying not to put any pressure on his injuries. He waved back at her as she entered the house and sighed with relief.

He's right. He would be completely lost without me.

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