Chapter 4

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I apologize for not updating sooner, but I wanted to make this chapter the best it could be. I hope you enjoy it. It's a really important chapter. And I know someone will comment that it is moving really fast, there is a reason for that. Okay. Enjoy!!


He can't keep lying to her – mostly because he hates it when he hides things from her. Vita Corvannon has been his best friend for a very long time. And during all that time, he never told her that he was the same as her, a Key.

Kerian dragged his feet on the ground as he slowly made his way back home. "Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn't kill you?" He tried his best to shake the thought away, but it was no use. Why didn't he just kill her when he had the chance? He didn't know the girl, so what was the big deal? Getting rid of one of the military's dogs would bring him and his associates closer to ending the war. Only, he couldn't kill her because she was one of them, a Key.

"Damn it! Why is all this shit so fricken confusing?" He said slamming a fist into the ground. "We fight for our freedom, right? Then why do I feel so sick right now?" Kerian made sure no one was around to hear him curse at himself. He flopped down on the ground and shielded his eyes away from the suns' scorching light. "I have to tell her."

"Tell who?" Kerian shot up from the ground to see a thin girl with short brown hair and brown eyes standing above him. Vita of course. "Are you talking to yourself again, Kerian?" She smirked down at him before taking a seat beside him. Wait – why is she here? Didn't Kerian just walk her home?

Not knowing how to react, Kerian sighed deeply and avoided eye contact with her. "Sorry. I have a lot on my mind. What are you doing here anyway, I thought I brought you home?" He questioned as she balanced herself with her hands.

"I heard you cursing to yourself again. Something is wrong, isn't it?" She asked. Kerian, still avoiding looking her in the eyes, sighed once more before turning his attention towards the girl sitting beside him.

Vita is his closest friend – he swore that he would never lie to her. Yet, there are some things that should not be told. In his case, Vita being a part of the Sinis Military would mean that he would be either arrested or killed if he told her the complete truth. "'s nothing. Don't worry about it." He said not wanting her to see the look of guilt on his face.

"It is okay, Kerian. You do not have to tell me. I understand. I have some things that should not be shared too. Everyone has their secrets. I'll accept you no matter what." Does she trust me that much? Kerian's eyes widened as he shifted his gaze towards her.

All he could do was smile. "Thanks, Vi." He said causing the girl to smile softly back at him.

She began to stand up as Kerian felt that she should stay longer. "Well, I better go. Terrorists were spotted near the shore. I'll talk to you later!" She says it like it's a routine thing for her, which it probably is. Kerian felt his heart sank – Vita is technically considered to be his enemy as well as his best friend. Life truly is unfair.


Author's note: Sorry for switching perspectives so much, but it is important to show what each character is going through with the sake of the events in Sinis. By the way, this is still the same chapter, I just wanted to make you all aware of the switch.

"Shoot it!" Travis shouted, making Thalia want to throw the ear piece to the ground so she would be saved from going deaf. "What are you waiting for? Shoot it!" Damn it, don't tell me what to do. She thought to herself as she watched enemy Sentinels surround the battle field.

This fighting – what is the point of it? Keys are looked down on and she never wanted to join the military in the first place. Someone has to fight back. The Keys won't stand a chance if this is their only way of attack. They need to strategize. Thalia moved her hands away from the controls and exited the Sentinel. "Thalia, what are you doing?" Jacob said through the communicator in her ear. "It's dangerous out there, get back in your Sentinel!" You aren't the boss of me.

Ignoring the pleads of her comrades, she entered the battlefield, in search for the royal army's sanctuary. The royal family are the ones to blame for all of this madness. She continued to maneuver her way through the line of fire without harming herself, until she came across a familiar figure. I knew it.

The mask was unmistakable – it had to be him, the same boy that attacked her yesterday. "Stay down! Let them take care of the—

He was about to finish his sentence, when two of their own exploded right before her eyes. Thalia began to wonder how the Resistance felt. It didn't matter to her, all she wants is for this terrible war to end. Gain equality for all Keys in the Sinis Empire. And leading the Resistance seems to be the best way to achieve that goal.

"Shit! W-What do we do now?" One of the soldiers said frantically as his legs began to rattle with fear.

The boy in the mask sighed and stared down at his shoes, as if in complete and utter defeat. Should I do something? They might kill me if they see me in the military uniform. Thalia began to push all of her thoughts away – something deep inside of her, was telling her that she needs to help them. That she has to help them. Thalia began to draw her gun just in case things went south. Feeling a little scared about what may happen next, she tried her best to keep her hands from shaking.

"Did you hear me? What should we—"

"Reveal yourselves!" Thalia commanded facing a group of surprised individuals of all ages. With her gun held tightly in her hands, she heard the men cursing under their breath. They began to put their weapons down – thinking that she was arresting them. "Stop! I have to see your faces. Show me who you are!"

Thalia figured that if they revealed themselves to her, then she could trust them more. She watched with hope and determination that they would do as she says. She's never led an army before – is she over her head?

Feeling defeated, the men began to remove their masks, revealing their true identities. All of their faces were visible...except for one. "C'mon, man, just show her who you are." One of the men said with a sad look on his face. Thalia turned her attention to the boy who attacked her yesterday. She pointed her gun at him, releasing the safety. Wait. Is he shaking?

Very slowly, he gave in to her words and carefully pulled off his mask – shit, she knows this boy. But, how? Why is he here? What would Vita say?

"Hey, Thalia. I didn't know you were one of the Sacred Twelve." He said as he ran his fingers through his white hair. She was both angry and confused at the same time.

"That makes two of us, Kerian." She said as she put her gun away. The six other men started at her with wide eyes as she pulled off her goggles and revealed her true self to them.

Kerian flinched away from her as if he was in complete shock – which he was. Thalia, feeling nervous to make eye contact with them, spoke as clearly as she could. The ear piece was out of range – she made sure of that so no one would over hear what she was about to say. "Tell me, do you want this war to end?" She still refused to look at them.

Kerian was the first to speak up – he didn't sound happy. "What kind of stupid question is that? Of course we want it to end! You and the other Keys are slaves to the Sinis Empire! Don't you know that?"

"Of course I am well aware of what we are used for." Kerian seemed taken aback by her response. "Me and many others were forced to join the military. Even though that was a long time ago, they continue to force more and more Keys to work for them. Your friends that are captured, they become trapped inside the Barracks of the military, or workers for the nobles." She could feel tears forming her eyes as she remembered watching the military officers take countless Keys away to either be used as experiments or workers. "The only reason my brother and I go to school is because we are higher ranking in the Key Branch of the military. But," She paused, feeling the need to choke back tears. "I can't keep watching all of my people die!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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