Joy. Bellamys pov

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It has been a few hours since everyone had started slashing about at the lake. It's a shame Clarke was so reluctant to get into the water. But I guess that's that. I still feel really bad for what I did to her last night. O is so right. I am a slut. But Clarke, Clarke isn't. Maybe I'm not good enough for her.

"Hey Bellamy, should we all go get some food! I'm pretty sure Clarkes ether gonna be asleep or bored out of her ass!" Jasper taps me on the shoulder... After everyone agreed we all went back to where we left Clarke. Just a slit problem.......

No Clarke.

"Clarke?" We stand where all our stuff had laid to rest, including Clarkes sketch book. "Where the fuck could she be?" O stands scratching her head.

There was a sudden scream, we all span around to find Raven on the floor rubbing her ass. Murphy ran over and helped her up. "What did you scream at?" Murphy asks whilst holding Raven up. She quickly points to the tree. "That!!!" But she was pointing at nothing. Unless she's scared of a tree?

"Haha what are you scared of a tree?" O bursts into fits of laughter, making Raven frustrated. "NO, something pocked me!" She exclaims, waving her arms around frantically. Our noises was interrupted by a loud giggle. Which sounded rather familiar.

In a sudden bang of noise Clarke swings from out of the branches, with her legs holding her up swinging on one like a monkey. "HAHAHA YOU WERE SO SCARED!!!! HAHAHAH- YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACE AHAHAHAH RAVEN IM SO SORRY!!!" Clarke fell to the floor in fits of laughter and giggle, earning laughs and giggles from everyone including Raven.

"What the fuck, were you doing in the tree Clarke?" Ravin laughed, as she stood. Raven gave Clarke a hand and she pulled her up like she weighed nothing. Imminently, Ravens eyebrows stitched together with concern. "Oh I was bored and also wanted a better view of the tree tops, oh and there's a storm coming so it's a good thing you guys came back in."

A storm? I take a quick look around and that's when a really see it. The water had gotten choosy and rough, and people were being asked to leave the water. "Whoa! Your right!" I mutter.

Suddenly there was shouting and commotion, panic and fear. The speakers around the lake were blaring with order. "Get out of the water and to high grounds! I repeat! Get out of the water and to high grounds!" I turn to see everyone was running, so I start to run too. However I notice we're missing an all to formalin blonde. Looking back, Clarke is gazing at the lake.

"Clarke come on! We have to go!" I try and pull at her arm but she still relocated to move, even though I can cuz I'm strong! "But Bellamy-" "NO BUTS CLARKE MOVE!!" I shout at her, causing her to flinch and run on in front of me. Well nice one me, now I made her scared. I run up to the high ground the public had been told to go. The lake was scary, even for me. It was rough and angry looking.

"Bell! I've never seen it like this before!" Octavia puts her hand on my shoulder, trying to relax me.

"PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!" A woman's voice erupts, causing everyone to look her way. Three life guards try to calm her and explain. "Madam, please calm down! We've already told you there's nothing we can do, the waters too rough and if we send anyone out, more please will get hurt."

Anger flees up in her eyes and she takes a step towards the three man. "So what your just going to let my son drawn? Your no life guards, your just cowards!" Tears are streaming down her face and her body begins to tremble, her body falls to the ground as she crys hopelessly.

Clarkes POV

I saw the boy when everyone started to run, that's why I stayed. I wanted to get Bellamy to help him but he wouldn't listen, now the poor mother of the boy was broken. I couldn't let this be. I could still see the boy crying for help. I have to do something.

I walk over to the woman's quivering body and place a hand on her shoulder. "What's his name?" Looking in her eyes I see a glimmer of hope. She grabs the bottom of my top and pulls at it, as a smile spreads across her face. "Cody! Please! Please save my son! I've just got him back, I can't lose him again!"

She turns to begging and I told her to stop.

Third person POV

The broken blonde smiles down at the scared mother and turns to leave. In the blink of an eye the angle was off and sprinting towards the cliffs edge. When the werewolves caught sight of this they realized what was going through the blue eyed girls head and in a panic ran towards her, shouting her name. However the angle took no notice and had already leaped off the cliff.

The cold water surrounded her body, she could feel it seep into her clothes and even her underwear. It made her shiver however she soon relaxed. Suddenly a thought bubbled in her brain. "I can't swim!!!" She started to Wales around and panic, then she heard a cry, begging for help.

"Get ahold of yourself Clarke! Someone needs you!" She shakes her head and tried so to remember how her father tried to teach her. "Paddle your arms and kick your feet!" The girl continued to mutter that's as she swam closer to the boy. In her surprise, she moved rather fast.

The body saw the blonde and started to reach for her.

"Cody! I need you to calm down okay. My name is Clarke, I'm going to get you out of her okay?" I try to comfort him. By the looks of him, he's about 10-11?

The waves began to feel move rough around the two bodies. The boy tightened his arms around the girl in socked clothes. A large wave started to head towards them, which caused Clarke to panic. "Father... If you can hear me? Please! Please give me the strength to save this boy and get him back to him mother! FARTHER! PLEASE!"

A sudden light blinded the blonde, but a soft voice spoke to her.

"Clarke... So young, so beautiful but in so much pain. You look so much like your father.... Clarke you live in a world full of hate, pain, and cruelty. But you. Young Clarke, you are pure, kind and loving. You risk your life for others around you. Are you Clarke Griffen prepared to know the truth?" The voice question the blonde.

The voice flaps large white wings, waiting for the unaware angle to answer.

"Yes! If it will save Cody!"she clung to the boy, who was shivering with fear.

"Clarke, you are an angle." Clarke now wondered if maybe she had swallowed some water and she was hallucinating. She couldn't tell.

"Both your mother and father were angles. You first get your wings on your birthday, however you Clarke have asked for them early. Are you Clarke ready for your wing if it will save this...... Boy?"

The blonde nodded in response.


With a bright light flashed at the girl. "These wings are not of your Clarke. Your wings will grow tonight. It will be painful so beware! Good luck Clarke."

As if time itself has paused, the wave was far at bay, when surely that would have wiped the out. Shaking her head Clarke looked back to see the was actually a pair of white wings on her back. She closed her eyes and thought of flying. "Fly, fly, fly.... FLY!!!!" With that the wings flipped and they were in the air. She turn to the direction of the cliff and law that way. "You.... Your an angle?!?" A small voice squeaked.... "Yeah... I am!"

The two landed a safely and the boy ran to his mother. "MUMMY!" "CODY!" Clarke was so happy watching the sence, she didn't see the large group of worried faces and the tears of joy that fell from the alphas face as the tackled the girl to the ground.

However the young blonde couldn't help but let her mind wonder to what the voice had said.

"You look just like your father."


Hey guess just wanna say a quick joke.

What do you call a fly with no wings?

A walk


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