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"Annie," Clark tried for what felt like the millionth time to talk to her; she was having none of it. He could tell she was annoyed, not just annoyed: angry, furious even. He could see she was on the brink of saying something, she kept looking like she was going to speak only to remain glaring at the ground.

As soon as they had been escorted out of the small interrogation room, they had been ushered out and led to a rather desolate barren piece of land, along with most of the military at their backs. By now, it was obvious that the two knew each other, and after some persuading Doctor Hamilton had seemed to get Swanwick to leave them be. At least someone here was a little understanding; they couldn't part like this, it would destroy them both.

"Annie, I said I would only surrender if they let you go. Talk to me, please. I honestly didn't think once getting your freedom you'd just-"

"Stop it!" Annie shouted and looked at him suddenly. Clark's expression slackened, he had never seen her look so heartbroken, so distraught. Her usual lively brown eyes looked at him hollowly, she was seemingly only just managing to keep tears at bay. "Stop acting so normal about this! How can you? How...? What is wrong with everyone? Am I honestly the only one here that can see how screwed up this is?" Annie asked hysterically while frowning and shaking her head, she took a step away when he took a step towards her. "You lot," she turned and vehemently spoke to those behind them. "When exactly did we bypass problem solving and jumped straight to the sacrificial lamb part? Sometimes...just sometimes, the best of us aren't human, and you are handing over perhaps the best thing on the face of this damn planet to someone who is evidently not all that they're cracked up to be!" Annie shouted while gritting her teeth and frowning deeply, Clark looked at her back with a saddened look, even now she was coming to his defence? Though not totally shocked by this, he was more taken back by the sheer passion and overwhelming grief which she spoke with. She was breaking, physically, emotionally and probably mentally. The only way for her to process what was happening, was to clearly lash out on those around her.

"Miss Lockett, it isn't our place to interfere-"

"Oh, shut up, Swanwick! Can you honestly stand there and say you're fine with handing him over to some sort of manic dictator? Are you seriously telling me, I'm the only one standing here feeling sick at the thought of this...honestly?"


"N-no! I'm not accepting this..." Annie said while turning around when Clark spoke her name quietly. He watched as she finally broke. "You can't just go...you can't..." She said in a wavering voice as she shuffled back to his side with her arms wrapped tightly around herself; as if that'd keep the sobs in which were gradually coming out.

"You said that you knew I'd come to the right decision," Clark said while turning and looking down at her. "I know it isn't the decision you wanted. Sometimes fighting isn't the answer, like you thought."

"That isn't to say we still won't have to fight. Who knows, for all we know Zod may see us as hiding you and keeping you purposely hidden from him...he might still attack us...I don't know." Annie said pathetically with a shrug.

Clark mused over this before nodding slowly. She did have a point, he couldn't even lie. "Annie, I need you to do something for me. And I want you to try real hard, do you think you can do that for me?" Annie slowly looked away from the ground and looked up at him, she'd been avoiding looking at him throughout this whole thing. He didn't quite like being partially ignored by her, it hurt, especially when the one thing he wanted was to look at her and commit her to memory in case things went any further South, if that was possible. "I want you to be brave." He said while her eyes slowly widened, he smiled lightly at her, despite inside feeling rather terrible and a little afraid, he still reassuringly smiled at her.

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