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The Order of DeMolay, or simply know as DeMolay, is a Masonic branch for young men of twelve years of age to twenty-one. Just like the Masons, the Demolay meet in a lodge and have the same titles for its members (exceptions being the sentinel, master councilor, almsman, and the scribe) and advisors.

The DeMolay base their teaching off of seven cardinal virtues. Reverence for sacred things, cleanness, patriotism, fidelity, filial-love, courtesy, and comradeship. These teachings are the basis of the DeMolay and everything they do. In the next following chapters I will explain what each of the seven cardinal virtues mean and how they make the foundation of leadership

The Order of Demolay was founded by Frank Sherman Land, also know as "Dad" in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1919. He befriended one particular young man with no father or fatherly figure in his life. Having compassion on the young man, Land met seven other young men with the same problem. With the idea of an organization to help people like them they decided to create The Order of DeMolay.

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