Chapter fifteen

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My mom and dad jump in, followed by Emily.
"Come on" Emily says.
She gives me a sad smile and I dive in.

I follow my parents. My dads tail is a pretty blue. My moms tail is a orange. I haven't seen her in mermaid form in awhile. I suddenly hear people talking.
"Mom?" I say surprisingly. I didn't know I could talk under water..
"Hmm?" she responds.
Before I could respond back I her, I see lights and buildings and mermaids.
"This is where I live" my dad says.
Emily is off, exploring and talking to random people like a maniac.
"Emily" my mom says, going after her, like she knows her way around here.
Maybe she does..
"It's will be okay" my dad says, putting his hand on my shoulder.
I snatch away my arm.
"Hailey.." he says but my mom interrupts him.
"Let's go".
I give my dad a look then race off.

We appear at a kingdom.
There are some guards but they instantly allow us in once they see my dad.
"Wait here" my dad says, then enters the large room whitch I'm guessing where the king is.
I hear some voices and shuffling and bubbles.
Finally, my dad comes out.
"He wants to see Hailey". My heart pounds.
My mom looks like she's about to refuse at first, but then she gives me a look saying 'Go ahead but be safe'.
I nod my head and enter the room.
A wow escapes my mouth.
They're seeweed strings as decor, two guards in front of the King and paintings everywhere.
Waterproof paint?
"You must be Hailey!" the King exclaims.
He has a blue tail with tattoos and a trident on his side.
He smiles at me and points to a chair across the room.
One of the guards quickly swims over and places the chair in front of the King.
I sit on the chair even though it's not really sitting. Oh well.
"You needed to see me?" I ask.
"Yes yes".
"Well first, I am very sorry about the 'forever mermaid' situation".
"It's alright" I lie.
"Two,I know that there is a possible way for your whole family to be that way, but I know you know there are side affects if it doesn't work".
"Mhmm" I hum.
"Are you positive you want to do this?" he asks.
I think about it.
"Why me?" I ask.
He gives me a confused look.
"Why are you asking me all this?".
"Umm..umm" he says.
He gives his guards a look.
I suddenly hear a scream. It sounds like Emily.
I hear shiffling out the door.
"Guys?" I yell, getting up and heading towards the door.
"Sit back down" the King says.
"What's happening?" I say, ignoring the King.
"Grab...the..trident!" I hear my mom yell to me.
I turn around and dive for the trident without second guessing.
"Get her" the King says to the guards.
They dive for me and but I swim up.
I jump on the trident.
I grab it and swim towards he exit.
As soon as I'm about to bust through the doors, I black out.

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