Comments Can Break Someone ***Maddie***

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What happens when you go to a video of you and go straight to the comments to find you have a bunch of hate? Yeah, that is what just happened to me. This is what happened:

-2 Hours Earlier-

"Mom!" I yelled. I ran into her bedroom to see her watching General Hospital. She had a glass of iced tea and a big bag of potato chips. She took a sip and looked over at me. She smiled and motioned for me to sit down.

"Mom, Mom, Mom, can I go to the studio?" I asked frantically. I wiggled her arm. She hates when I do that. She sat up in bed and rubbed her forehead. She looked at me, then back at the television.

"Call Ms. Abby," she answered, her eyes glued to the screen. I crossed my arms. Abby wouldn't pick me up. She was too busy with a private with Kendall right now. Kendall texted me and told me.

"But-" I started to protest. Mom held up a finger and handed me her cell phone. I took it in my hand and called Ms. Abby. I heard it ring and I heard someone pick it up.

"Melissa, Kendall is in a private right now with Abby." Gianna. I sighed. I knew Gianna wouldn't have picked up if the camera men were around. I decided to go along with it.

"Gianna, it's Maddie. Competition is tomorrow and I didn't finish my solo yet." I bit my lip waiting for her to respond.

"I'll pick you up in five," she answered, her voice cracking. I hung up and ran to my room. I got my lyrical shoes, my costume, and my music. I had my dance stuff on already and was ready to go. I waited on the porch until Gianna pulled up.

She rolled down her window. "You also have to finish the trio!" she shouted. I rolled my eyes as I hopped into the back seat with Paige. Chloe was in front and her and Paige were whispering excitedly.

" boy."

My heart skipped a beat as Paige whispered to Chloe. Another new addition. I slumped in my seat and listened to my iPod. My music was on it. I ran the first half of my dance over in my head until Chloe tapped on my shoulder. "Maddie you aren't yourself." I shrugged, knowing that Chloe was going to ask me what happened.

This time, Paige spoke in a whisper. "Did Kenzie's little move to her friend's house depress you?"

I nodded. Mackenzie moved to her friend Zoe's house last week and her room was empty. I shrugged and continued listening to the music. Paige looked at me then turned back to Chloe.

"Girls, we're here," Gianna said, relieveing my misery. "Studio A. Trio. Stretch. Now."

We walked out of the car and into the dance studio. The air smelled like strawberries. It was a different scent rather than the dusty, dirty, smell. I walked into the Dancer's Den and stretched.

Kendall walked into the little den. "Hey," she whispered. Tears stung her eyes. I walked over to her and gave her a hug. She hung onto me like it was for dear life. I looked her straight in the eye. "What happened?" I asked.

"W-well, Ms. A-abby st-started t-to compare me w-with you and sh-she said th-that m-my solo w-was really b-b-bad."

I gave her a hug and got a tissue out of my bag. She took it and dabbed her eyes. She sighed and laid on a bench. Her face was white and she had bags under her eyes. I gave her another hug and Gianna walked in.

"Kendall, Abby wants you. Maddie, come with me." I nodded and stood up. Paige and Chloe were dancing to our music. I jumped in and started dancing. I looked up to the den to see Payton on her phone. I pushed the thought out of my mind as Gianna stopped the music.

"Okay, girls, Maddie, I want you to walk back and the other two, go on your knees. Strike a pose or something."

I smiled and looked at the other two. They were a little upset. I shrugged and Gianna started up the music. It wasn't a very popular song. Brooke's manager's cousin started to record it. It was the perfect jazz song.

'Breathe it, taste it, feel it, want it, that was how it goes,' the music went. We did fouettes and a little head roll. Then it was my part.

'Make them stop, and stare. Strike-strike a pose. You know how it goes!'

Gianna cut the music. She told Chloe and Paige to do chin stands while I did a grandé géte forward.

'I live the life!' the music went.

I was living the life. Nothing could stop me. Gianna told us to strike cute, sassy poses and after waiting 8 seconds, do a Bob Fossy walk off the stage. You know, the one with the girlish walks.

We high-fived each other and Gianna dismissed Chloe and Paige. Now it was time for my solo. It was a contemporary piece called, 'No Hearts' and it was about a girl grieving bullying.

I started from the beginning, my mind set on it being perfect.

'I don't want to see them,' the girl sang. I did a flowy hand-to-face sort of thing and did a shanae. I was feeling it. This had to be perfect.

"Maddie, you do know you only have 45 seconds left of this dance, right?" Gianna asked. I nodded. I just wanted it to be perfect. "Okay," she said, "make it up yourself."

I listened to the music. It was just instruments, a perfect time for fouettes. I did twenty of them before landing in a pirrouette falling to the ground, scrunched together. Gianna clapped and smiled.

I can win a title for this.

I looked back up to the Mom's Room.

Payton was sitting there, smirking.

Something was up.

-45 minutes later-

"Mom, I'm home!" I yelled. I ran up to her room and saw her crying over a stupid choice made on TV. Those stupid soaps. Always getting everyone emotional. Oh, boo hoo. Get over it. They get over it, right? Besides, this doesn't happen. The people don't die!

But I figured out that this soap was happy. Mom was crying while looking at her phone. "Oh, Maddie, you're home, good." Her hand was across her mouth and she wiped away a tear. "Look."

She passed the phone over. It was a video, titled, 'MADDIE GETS SPECIAL PARTS IN UPCOMING TRIO! VERY RARE!'

-So? I thought.

I watched the video. It was of today. It looked like it was looking down upon us. I stared at it. Wasn't Payton up in the Mom's Room....?

I scrolled down to the comments. I was nervous as ever. I read them.

Chloe_is_the_best: chloe shldv gttn thse prt maddie sux

I_LOVE_DANCEMOMS!: Maddie, I am honestly tired of you. Give other kids a chance. Love, Your Hater

zuzuz: I hate you Maddie.

That was it. I was done. I dropped my mom's phone on the ground, running back to my room.

-You'll pay for it, I thought as I took out a razor.


~AHHH! Such a sensitive topic! And I updated! Creativity started to flow through me!

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