Comments Can Break Someone ***Chloe***

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I am estatic to be writing from Chloe's perspective. This will be great. XD


  So. Maddie gets the part again in the trio. Of course. But, everyone says my solo last week would have won if Maddie didn't focus and I was better. Of course. Maddie.

  I will always be number two. No matter what you say. And other people say it, too. I am here to prove to you that I am not wrong. That I am number two. That you are wrong. No matter what you say.

  I am number two.

-Trio Practice-

  Paige and I ran into Studio A. We pulled off our sweats and boots, staring at each other. I put on my shoes and walked to the middle of the floor. "C'mon, Paigey, hook up the music! We gotta show Gianna that we are hard workers!"

  Ms. Abby hasn't really been paying attention to us and has been calling us lazy. We are not lazy, even our moms say that every week we lose two pounds and gain half back the very next week.

  All we do is swim, sleep, dance, and hang out. We always ask Maddie to come with us, but she says she is too 'proffesional' to hang out all the time. Then, she walks away and shouts, "I'm going to the studio!"

  Oh, Maddie, we are tired of it.

  Paige hooked up the music and we started. It wasn't finished yet, so we just practiced what we had. "FACIALS!" I shouted. Paige started to giggle and fell. I laughed and my grand getè was more of a wheee-I-am-jumping-into-a-pool.

  Paige got back up, still laughing, and continued dancing. I caught my breath and continued dancing with her. I saw the door open followed by Maddie and Gianna. Great. We were having fun.

  Gianna gave us a small nod with a smile and Maddie was a little mad. She jumped into the dance with us and stole the show. Gianna was all Maddie, no Paige, no me, Maddie. She would glance over at me a few times, but that was about it.

  This all happened in about thirty seconds, because soon Gianna stopped the music. I shrugged and tightened my ponytail. I looked at Gianna who was making up choreography.

  "Okay, girls, Maddie, I want you to walk back and the other two, go on your knees. Strike a pose or something."

  I looked over at Paige who's smile was gone. She looked back at me and we put a hand on our hips.

I   didn't focus on that little pose. What worried me was that Gianna called Paige and I 'the other two.' Were we really a piece of dirt? Right at the beginning, Gianna was happy with us, now she was ignoring us.

  I guess I really did mess up over the weekend by placing seventh with my solo. And Paige eighth. With, of course, Maddie first.

  Gianna started the music. ''Breath it, taste it, feel it, want it, that was how it goes.'' We did fouttes and then a head roll. Next was that part. You know. The hip part. The one where I don't matter.

  The one where I am a loser.

  ''Make them stop, and stare. Strike-strike a pose. You know how it goes!" I watched Maddie walk back with a little face and hand flick here and there. If that was me, I would have done way more. Maybe a little shené here and there. Or a chasé! I would have killed that.

  She cut the music. Guess what Paige and I had to do? Chin stands. And Maddie, you ask? Oh, a grande geté. Of course. I would have flung my hands up in the air with a cute, sassy, face. I would have made everyone stop and stare, cheering, begging for more.

  But, no. I just had to do a chin stand. A chin stand can get you seriously injured. So, Paige and I were put at risk and Maddie in bubble wrap, practically.

  Gianna put the music back on. "I live the life!" it went. Maybe Maddie was, but I was bored to death.

  Then, she told us to strike cute, sassy, poses and do Bob Fossey walks off the stage. After we did that, Maddie high-fived us and Paige and I were forced out of the studio. I grabbed my water bottle and layed down, face forward.

  Hot tears stung my eyes as I remembered that comment Gianna made. 'The other two.'

  I am number two.

  I started to cry bad. Paige came over and rubbed my back. I couldn't help the crying. I just couldn't. I want to be the best, but when I do the best, I get brought down. Everyone thinks Maddie should be ahead. Oh, Maddie this, Maddie that.

  "Chloe, why are you crying?" Abby asked as she walked into the room. I pretended not to hear her, but she soon came over and pulled me up into a big hug.

  "Gianna called Paige and I 'the other two.' We do matter right?"

  Abby crossed her arms and stood up, walking out of the room. "You can say it to my face!" I shouted.

  But it was too late.

  Abby was gone.

-45 Minutes Later-

  We practiced the trio one more time. I made sure I gave it my all. But, I was ignored. I was watching TV now. Clara was sitting next to me, and she put her head on my shoulder.

  "Cwowe?" she said.

  I looked down at her little head, her big eyes staring up at me. "Why you sad?"

  I sighed.

  "Because I am number two. I will never ever be the best. I want to, but I can't. Not being the best comes with consequences, but it pushes me to be better. Clara, whatever you do, make sure nobody brings you down. I love you, and you do matter."

  She sighed. "Okay. I wove you too."

  Hey, maybe I wasn't just some other person after all.

  I am Chloe Lukasiak.

  I changed the channel to Disney Junior because Clara was probably fed up with Food Network. She kissed me on my arm.


  My mom.

  She came over and sat down with us. She put an arm over me and placed Clara on her lap. We watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Clara giggled at practically everything.

  I hope she never grows up.

  She makes me feel better every day.




Hope you e n j o y e d . < 3

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