Dinner Night

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"You know I hate last minute things, Eren. How did you forget to tell me about dinner with your best friend and his shitty boyfriend?"

"It slipped my mind, I'm sorry," I sighed slightly.

"How does something like that slip your mind?"

"The same way other shit slips my mind. I'm sorry, okay?" I groaned as I walked into the closet, looking for my pale blue button-down shirt. Once I found it and put it on, my outfit was essentially complete. The shirt, a pair of dark jeans and, of course, my black Vans. Levi stuck to his usual grey, looking particularly good in his grey button down. Made me want to r-


Once we were in the car, we discussed possible redecorations in the house. Levi had been talking about redecorating the living room, kitchen, and the downstairs bathroom for a long time now. I decided that I would help him, and that we would take a trip to the hardware store tomorrow to pick out paint colors.

We talked the whole way, with me cracking shitty jokes about redecorating, and soon, pulled up in the driveway and parked our car behind Mikasa's. The house was buzzing with excitement, laughter, and drinks by the time twenty minutes had passed. You can probably guess what happened.

Jean + Alcohol + Me in the same room + Levi also in the same room = Disaster

By five past nine, dinner had been served and we all sat down to eat. Mikasa, Annie, Hanji and Petra on one side, Erwin, Levi, and I on the other, Jean and Armin at separate ends of the table. Mind you, neither I or Levi wanted to sit near Jean, but the way the table was set, one of us had to sit next to him. I was more fearful of Levi sitting next to him, however, seeing as we would be in the presence of knives and forks, even spoons. So Erwin sat next to him instead.

The conversations buzzed around our work at first, with me and Annie talking about our work at the nearby hospitals, then gradually switched over to fun competitive betting on things, mainly because we wanted to go out and do something else for a change besides working.

"Well, I don't work weekends, so if anyone wants to get their ass whooped in paintball shooting, let me know," I laughed.

"That a challenge, babe?" Levi looked at me out of the corner of his eye, a smirk slightly tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"Maybe," I poked my tongue out at him. "Anyone else in?"

"Annie and I are in. Hanji? Petra? Erwin?"

"I'm working all weekend," Petra shrugged slightly. "Maybe next time."

"Eyebrows and I are in!" Hanji squealed and cackled.

"Jean and I are in," Armin smiled.

"Who said that?" Jean snapped. "I didn't say I was going. Don't volunteer me for stuff, Armin."

The table went quiet as a tense awkwardness settled in the air. I looked at Levi, who then cast a glare at Jean.

"I assu-"

"Don't assume shit," he snapped. I watched Armin's face grow red with embarrassment as he sighed and looked away.

"Watch how you talk to him, Jean," I growled slightly. No one was gonna talk to my best friend like he was some kind of kid or something. Not on my watch.

"Mind your fucking business, Jaeger."

"Watch who you're fucking talking to, Kirschtein," Levi snapped.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know your last name was Jaeger," he spat back.

"No, but it could be if you want it to," Levi pushed his seat back as if he was about to stand up. Before he could get up, I placed my hand on his and shook my head at him, knowing that fighting wasn't worth it, not here and not now.

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