The Announcement

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[Warning: this chapter does contain smut, so read at your own risk.]

The look in those steel grey eyes as we sat on our living room floor reminded me of why I had been so happy for the past year and 8 months of my life. That was a look of pure and raw love.

"Don't say anything yet. Stay here and don't move," he said, getting up and then jogging upstairs.

Is he being serious? But he told me just last week that marriage was overrated and cliche. This is a joke. It's gotta be a fucking joke.

He came back downstairs empty handed and sat down in front of me. Before I could say anything, however, he held up his left hand. There, fitting snuggly on his ring finger was the engagement ring I had bought for him.

" know I'm not a fan of expressing myself, but I have a few things to say before you provide an answer. These past six days have by far been the worst six days I've ever experienced in my life. Literally. I didn't sleep, I barely ate, I called out of work. Eren... I cried. Hard to believe, I know, but seriously. I cried because I thought you were never coming back to me, that I had fucked up so badly. And I hate myself for making you feel like I didn't love you or that you needed to get away from me. The thought of us being separated made me cry, Eren. And I want you to know that I do love you. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone. Eren, if the offer still stands, I want to marry you."

I sat and stared at him for a minute or two, letting my brain process everything before I opened my mouth to speak.

"Are you serious?" The words came out in a sort of whisper.

"More serious than I've ever been, Eren."

"I....uh...well of course the offer still stands, Levi."

"So what do you say? Are we getting married?"

"Fuck yes!" I smiled widely and tackle-hugged him flat onto the floor. In the midst of us kissing and me smiling uncontrollably, we failed to hear both the doorbell ringing and the front door opening.

"Hey gu-" Armin and Mikasa, followed by Hanji and Connie, walked in and stopped. Levi and I sat up and looked at them, my face slightly red with embarrassment and his just as emotionless as ever.

"Uh...hey guys. What's up?" I laughed a little and stood up, helping Levi up as well.

"Just checking in on you two. Seems everything is going well," Mikasa's eyes darted from me to Levi then back to me. She didn't like him, I already knew. And because of that six day episode, I knew she was pissed at me but more so at Levi.

"Oh, everything is going fine. Would you all mind migrating to the kitchen for a second? Eren and I have an announcement to make," Levi spoke as he walked towards the kitchen. Armin raised an eyebrow at me but followed Levi nonetheless. Once we were all in, I leaned on the counter next to Levi, my face now a deep shade of red.

"Eren, you're as red as tomato. What's going on?" Hanji asked, getting slightly impatient.

"Is this bad news?" Connie raised an eyebrow at me. I shook my head and looked to Levi, then back to the rest of them.

"No, it's not bad news. I'd just like you all to know that Levi and I have worked everything out, and well...we've decided that we're going to get married," I said with a smile. Hanji, of course, was the first to squeal at the top of her lungs, nearly shattering the glasses in our kitchen. Armin and Connie hugged both Levi and I, giving us congrats. And then Connie headed off to the store to get wine for a celebration. Mikasa, however, stood and stared at me.

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