The Bank Teller

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After finishing my story, Armin had completely forgotten about whatever pain he was in, and had given me his full attention. He was sitting in a semi-crooked position, his hair hanging slightly in his face as he spoke.

"'Marking my territory' ? EREN, YOU DUMBASS! This means one of two things, maybe both. He either wants to sleep with you, or he likes you. He's made inappropriate comments about your...y'know... he's gotten all in your personal space, he practically KISSED YOU. HOW BLIND COULD YOU BE?"

I mentally face-palmed after finally piecing the puzzle together. Boy, was I stupid.

"But he's my psychiatrist, Armin. How is that at all healthy or okay?"

"That's where things move into the grey areas. You're gonna have to talk to him."

"'re right. But enough about me. What the fuck happened while I was gone?!"

"WELL, to make a very long and explicit story short, Jean's son, Milo, was staying with Sasha and Connie's son, Theodore, for the night. He called and asked if I was busy, I said no, he came over... you can put the pieces together after that, Eren, you're a smart boy."

I cringed, causing Armin to laugh. "Jean's not that bad, Eren. He's actually really sweet and nice once yo-"

"Ew. Nope. Nope. Nope," I stood up. "I'm going to shower and scrub the filthy image of you two on our couch fr- did you two fuck on our good couch, Armin Arlert?"


"FOR FUCK'S SAKE," I groaned and went into the bathroom, stripping off all my clothes to get into the shower. I looked down and there, written next to another dark purple bruise was a message from Levi. Since I was looking at it upside down, I couldn't read it.

"Fucking hell..." I wrapped my towel around my waist and walked out to where Armin was laying. "Armin, can you read this please?" I moved the  towel slightly so he could read the entire thing.

He took a minute to read the message on my skin, his face turning tomato red, before he finally spoke. "I will not say that out loud. It's highly inappropriate."

"Then take a picture and show it to me," I whined. He did as told and then showed the picture to me. Not only was it written directly next to my V-line, but it was a complete obscenity.

Wow, bigger than I expected brat. Maybe next time I'll get to taste it.. by the way, you make very very erotic and arousing noises. Xoxo, Levi.

"Son of a bitch," I turned and walked back into the bathroom, grabbing my phone and sending him a text.

E: You fucking pervert.

I laid my phone down and turned the shower on, suddenly wanting to scrub  my skin until it was sore and red. The thought of him touching me made me both slightly aroused yet a little ....itchy? As I was stepping into the hot water, I heard my phone buzzing, causing me to lean out of the shower and answer the message.

L: Glad you liked my message, brat.

E: You're a molester.

L: Awww....don't be like that. If you were awake, you wouldn't have protested anyways. So am I really a "molester"?

E: YES. Me being asleep doesn't justify you molesting me. You put your mouth right next a private area on my body without my knowledge and permission. That makes you a molester. Accept it.

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