June 3rd

768 45 20

*Levi's POV*

"I'm not gonna make this terribly long, but I do wanna express how much I love you. Levi, you found me when I was in the darkest of all dark times and pulled me into the light. When I had lost all hope and given up on myself, you were there to keep me on my feet. You held onto me like a mother holds her newborn baby, and you didn't let me go, no matter how stupid or obnoxious I behaved.

I love you, Levi, and I don't know what I would do without you. My life is joined with yours, and may the years continue to be filled with times we'll never forget. I don't wanna spend another day without you by my side, and because of that fact... I, Eren Jaeger, take you, Levi Ackerman, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, even after death parts us."

He was crying. Tears dripped from his chin onto his crisp white suit, leaving tiny dark spots.

"And now the other groom shall say his vows."

My heart hammered in my chest once my mouth opened to speak.

"Eren, standing up here today with you has reminded me why, after two years, we remained with each other. I can't live without you, brat. You are my other half. The side of me that I can't see in myself is in you (in more ways than one, am I right?), and that's one of the reasons why we can't stay separated.

I love everything about you, Eren. From your messy bed hair to your adorable smile, even that face you make when you get angry at me, I can't get enough of it. Waking up every morning with your leg draped over me and hearing that soft snoring of yours, nothing could ever make me want to give that up. It's like... I'm addicted to you, Eren. So do me a favor and stick with me.

Death is not the end of the line for us. I want to spend eternity with you.. and that's why I, Levi Ackerman, take you, Eren Jaeger, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, even after death parts us."

And then, when Eren's eye went wide, I realized that I was crying as well. Not as heavily as he was, of obviously, but the thought of being with Eren for eternity was enough to bring a few tears to my eyes.

"By the power invested in me through the town of Shiganshina, I now declare that these two shall be wed. You may now seal the bond with a kiss."

I gripped onto the front Eren's suit and might I say, that was the most electrified kiss we shared in two years. Applause erupted through the church, but in that moment, I was only focused on the man in front of me. He was now mine forever.

* * * *

"Daddy, Daddy!"

Both Eren's and my head whipped around as the small voice called from downstairs.

"Which one is he calling? Doesn't he know that we're both guys?" I groaned. "Should we both go?"

"I'll go," he smiled and got out of bed. He grabbed his shirt from the chair across the room and slipped it on before walking out the room. In the last three years, I swear Eren got taller. I have no idea how since he was already a fucking giant when I met him, but it's harder to reach his lips now. Either I'm shrinking or he's growing still. How is a 33 year old man still growing?

"Hey, Levi!" Eren called from downstairs. "Teddy wants you to come down."

"I'm coming," I threw back the covers and got up, slipping on a pair of sweats and socks before going downstairs.

Sitting in the middle of the floor with every stuffed animal that he owned, which was a shit load, was our five year old son, Teddy. He had the stuffed animals arranged in a circle around him as he smiled at us. I got down on my knees next to the circle of animals and smiled at him.

"Whatcha doing, buddy?" I asked. Despite that he wasn't biologically related to either Eren or me, he surprisingly looked like Eren. He had the same bright green eyes and the same goofy smile. I could feel my heart melting as I stared at the small child.

"This is the circle of friends! Mr. Snuffles said that when two people become friends, they have a big party like you and daddy did!"

I fought back the urge to laugh, but damn he was so fucking adorable. I chuckled and looked up at Eren, who was covering his mouth to hide the fact that he was laughing.

"He's talking about our marriage, Eren," I turned back and ruffled Teddy's light blonde hair. Who would ever give this kid up for adoption? He was the sweetest bundle of joy I had ever met. After we adopted him three years ago, everyone told me that I had grown soft. But what could I say? Teddy and Eren put together brought out a side of me that I didn't know existed.

"Alright buddy, it's getting late. Time to pack up the crew and head to bed," Eren knelt down next to Teddy and began picking up the toys.

"B-but...but Daddy!" The small five year old boy looked to me, his lower lip poked out and his brows furrowed.

"No buts, Teddy. It's bedtime," Eren raised an eyebrow at me for a second before standing up with his arms full of bears. He knew the chance of me caving in was high when it came to Teddy.

"You heard your father, Teddy. Come on," I stood and scooped him up. He folded his arms and pouted as I carried him up the stairs.

After I reorganized the teddy bears on the floor near the window and Eren had tucked Teddy in, I moved over to the bed and kissed the small child's forehead.

"Get some sleep, buddy. You've got school in the morning. Goodnight," I smiled softly at him and made my way to the door.

"Love you, Theodore," the words rolled off our tongues simultaneously. That small five year old boy had brought a new light and sense of peace to the household.

That night, as Eren and I laid in bed, I stared up at the dark ceiling for a while. With Eren's leg draped over me and his head resting on my chest, I listened to the sound of his soft snoring as he slept.

So this is what I've been missing. Who knew sleeping next to someone so heavy could be so fulfilling. I guess Shitty Four Eyes was right after all. This is what I've wanted since I met him, and well... it feels nice.

Wow, it's really done T~T writing this was such a wonderful experience and I'm glad I got to share it with you guys! Thanks for sticking with this, despite my absences. I love you all ♡ I don't know if there will be a sequel ? Maybe in the near future ? I'll be sure to let you guys know if so, of course. Well that's all for now with this! See you all~


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