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"Eren, take this," he said, handing me a small black bottle with a white top. I hesitantly took it from him, opening the top and taking a whiff, then retracted myself.

"Ew.." I spoke. Because of the amount of alcohol in my system, mustering up any other words than that was harder than I thought it would be.

"It'll help you sober up. Drink it," he snapped, his voice harsher than before. Instead of arguing with him, I opened the lid and threw back the concoction, the minty yet warm and smooth liquid sliding down my throat. It ignited the inside of my throat, causing me to shake my head and cringe, but I could already feel myself coming down from the high brought on by the excessive amount of alcohol in my system.

"Now...are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

I shook my head, then remembered the way Erwin's lips felt against mine. Rough and hungry for more physical contact. The way he pushed me against the couch, lust radiating off of him like regular body heat. The way his strong hand yanked my hair like he had done it before. Subconsciously, my body shivered as I hugged my knees to my chest in the seat.

"Eren..." he prompted.

"He kissed me," I muttered. "I didn't realize what was happening at first because I was so drunk, but a minute later, I came to my senses."

He sighed heavily as we pulled up to my apartment building. Armin's car wasn't parked in the driveway, meaning that he wasn't home. At this hour, most likely he was at Jean's for the night.

"I'll walk you upstairs," he said, turning off the car and getting out. Once his keys were safely tucked away, he came around to the passenger side and helped me out, wrapping an arm around my waist to keep me steady. I heard the clicking of his automatic locks being thrown into place as we made our way inside the building and upstairs to the 3rd floor. After fishing around for my apartment keys, I unlocked the door and he helped me inside.

"Is your roommate home?"

Now I could've lied and told him that Armin was in the other room sleeping, but let's not forget that I was both still slightly drunk and a terrible liar when it came to Levi.

"No...he's not here," I said as he helped me to my room. Good thing I cleaned up before leaving earlier. As he sat me down on the bed, I could feel the tension in the room beginning to rise. One look at his face as he stood before me told me that he was pissed. I'm talking far beyond pissed. Like he could beat my face in or murder me if he wanted to.

"Eren, you fucking moron, what were you thinking?" he hissed. "I think I deserve an explanation, considering I had to gt out of bed at 1:30 in the morning to pick your drunk ass up."

"I...I don't know. It was just supposed to be a harmless date. I didn't go there with the intentions of getting drunk. It just kind of happened..."

"When did you meet that guy?"

"Uh...right before I called you yesterday afternoon. He works at the bank."

"Are you stupid? You go out on a date and get stupid drunk with a guy you know nothing about. Dammit, Eren! You have a brain for a reason! Use it! Think, sometimes!"

"Why do you care anyways?!" I shouted back at him The sudden rise in adrenaline caused me to completely forget about the alcohol in my system. "You're just my psychiatrist. You're getting paid, that's all that matters, right? You're just that, a psychiatrist with other fucking patients to worry about. Focus on them, I can handle myself."

"Clearly you can't! You idiot! Do you honestly not see the problem here?! Eren, he could've RAPED you, but you were too busy getting drunk to see it. Do you know ANYTHING about this 'Erwin' guy? Anything at all besides his name, his address, his job, and the fact that he can buy six thousand dollar champagne?"

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