Chapter 10: Nightmares

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"Babe, what the hell are you doing?!?!!!" I yelled. She started crying and I tried grabbing her blade just for her to yank it away.

She yelled, "I have to!! I hate my life!!!! Nothing good ever happens to me, it's all bad!!! As a kid, I was abused. I had to get used to being raped every other day! I wanna die, Draco!!! I wanna die!!!!!!"

I yet again reached for the bloody blade, only to fail. She started yelling at me about how it was none of my business and that I'm just a useless prick.

She slammed the door in my face. I decided to go get headmaster. Dumbledore and I ran upstairs and Vannah was laying on the floor, passed out with a pool of blood around her. Bloody hell, I'm gonna kill Gregory. He's hurt my Vannah too much.

Dumbledore told me not to come to the hospital wing until Vannah wakes up. I layed on our bed watching HIMYM and eating Reese 's Pieces until falling asleep, with my dreams full of nightmares of Vannah yelling at me. And that was what really hurt.

The Next Day*****

Ari's POV

I couldn't sleep. Vannah did it again. She promised she wouldn't. I had cried into my boyfriend Niall's chest all night while he cooed me. (See Ari, you had dibs on Niall real life, as so in the story!!! ~ Tink) I smiled slightly as he kissed my forehead.

But this was no time to smile. My sister just committed suicide. Or attempted. Thank God it wasn't more than an attempt! Draco also said that she was trying to open a bottle of sleeping pills, obviously trying to make herself sleep forever. That was really scary.

Madam Pomfrey came into the room and said something no-one wanted to hear - "I'm afraid I have some bad news."

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