The Name Game

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"When there is desire, there is gonna be a flame." -P!nk


My hands are shaking as I raise my glass of water to my lips. Is it okay for me to call Reid? Because Derek's gone? A small voice in my head tells me none of this is okay, but I ignore it like usual and pick up the phone. He's gone for four days, visiting his family on vacation (after I insisted that I should stay home).

Alright. I dial the not-so-unfamiliar numbers, my hand remaining all but still as I bring the iPhone to my ear.

"Hello?" I begin tentatively as the ringing stops.


"Yes?" Who else would it be?

"Are you alright?" He sounds worried, and I blush despite my nervous mood. Or, I guess, because of my nervous mood.

"Yes." That's a lie. I haven't been alright for about a year.

"Why are you calling me then?" Now he sounds much different, his voice portraying some unknown emotion.

"I, well, I wanted you to come over." I answer truthfully. Shit. He'll never agree to this.

"Alice, no!" He sounds like he's telling himself no more than me, though.

I sigh into the phone. "I-I'm sorry, Rei- what's your name?" I inquire, interrupting my previous statement.


"Oh. Okay. Sorry, Spencer." I correct myself. Honestly, that is the best name I could have ever imagined.

"What's yours?" He asks, causing my heart to skip a beat.

"W-what do you mean?" I push, my voice hoarse.

"Y-you changed it. You did, didn't you?" He asks, his voice unsure. 

I breathe a shaky laugh. "No. I just go by my middle name. My name's Lena." I respond.

I hear him "oh" and then he says his goodbyes and hangs up.


It's been three hours since I first told someone my real name. Simply because my parents were young and wreckless, my name doesn't sound pretty. Lena Alice. No.

A knock on the door breaks my concentration on "What Not to Wear" and I am sent sprinting towards the door.

"Hello?" I open the door as tentative as usual, ready for any sory of action. 


"Spencer, what the hell?" I demand, yet I open the door for him anyway.

"I came."

No dip Sherlock. 

"Okay-" kisses.


"Just come over, Shel." I'm not exactly asking, more like demanding, that I talk this out with Shelly without Skype.

"Just tell me!"

"We just, uh, kissed?" That's a lie. We had a heart-to-heart discussion about childhoods and families, too. Weird, I know.

"Okay. And," She pushes me to reveal my darkest secrets, but I have none.

"And Derek still doesn't know," I try, hoping that is what she was looking for. Or not.

"Oh my gosh, Lis. You have to, like, break uo with him or something!" She's to the verge of yelling again, causing me to wince slightly.

"It's not that easy," I complain, throwing my arms up in utter defeat. 

She groans, and I reposition my laptop's computer on my bed, laying on my stomach.

"You are an awful person."

"Tell me something I don't know," I whine, kicking my legs in the air.

"Wait," There's a hidden expression in her voice.


"Did you, you know-"

I cut her off right there, my jaw dropped. "No! You know me better than that!" My voice is rising.

"Okay, okay." She sounds defeated. "But does he know your name?" She presses, leaning into the low-quality camera.

I nod, my bottom lip jutted out in confession.

"Lis, that's kind of a biggie! I only learned your name four months ago!" She's almost shouting now, too.

"I know, I know."

"Do you trust him?" She asks.

"No." Fact.

"Is he cute?"

"Yes." Opinion.

"Does Derek know he has the hots for you?"

"No?" Opinion. I don't think so.

"Okay, that's enough. I'm leaving you and your complicated life up to MTV." She shuts off her Skype.

"Love you, too," I grumble, closing my own laptop.


"I love pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza," I sing to myself as my mini pizza heats up in the microwave.

I take out the steaming processed food, placing it on a paper plate and dancing into the living room.

My phone vibrates on the coffee table.


"Yello?" I answer, bringing the phone to my ear.

"Hey, Lissa. You at home?" Derek's voice sounds gruff, like his throat is sore from crying or something.

"Yeah. You okay? You sound awful," I respond, lifting the stringy cheese into my mouth.

"Yeah, Lis. I'm fine. Just went to a baseball game," He responds, and I nod to myself. That explains his hoarse voice.

"Why are you calling me then, Derek?" I inquire, not aware of my rude tone.

"Just wanted to say goodnight, and I love you," He explains, and my throat gets itchy. I swallow.

"Yeah, love you too," I reply gruffly, hanging up.

What have I done?

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