Chapter 20 : The Written Test

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Hiro's pov

I could see that Naruto seat beside Hinata Hyuga few rows behind me. Sakura are seated few rows infront of me and Sasuke seated 2 rows behind me to the right. I knew that Sasuke will cheat me.

"Alright, Listen up. There're a few rules you need to be aware of, and I won't answer any questions. So better get pay attention on the first time around. Alright, Rule number one is the written exam are conducted on a point reduction system. You all will start with a perfect point of 10 points. 1 points will be deducted by each question you get wrong. So if you miss 3, you final will be 7." Sakura seems shock by it.

"Rule number 2, teams will be determind of pass by the total score of the group." "W-wait. we need to work as a team?" Sakura are really noisy. "I have my reasons"

"Rule number 3, the sentinals that are positioned on each side of the room are there to watch you for any signs of cheating. And for any insident they spot, they will subtract 2 points from the culprit score. Beware, their eye are extremely sharp. And if they catch you 5 times, you will be dismissed even when the test haven't be scored."

Everybody seems shock by it. Ibiki is truly the best. "Anyone who are caught cheating by the sentinals aren't deserve to be here" "If you guys are to be called shinobi, then show us. What exceptional of a shinobi you could be." Everybody seems so tense of the written exams.

Sasuke's pov

"And one more thing, any candidates who get 0 and failed the test, then the entire team fails." Please Naruto, at least get one question right. "The last questin won't be given before the last 15 minutes of the test period. You'll have 1 hour total." Yeah we're really screwed. Hiro's being totally calm about everything. I bet she'll answer the questions easily.

"Begin" I flipped my paper and start to read the question. I took a quick glance at Hiro. She flipped her paper slowly and start reading the question. Right after she read the question, she start to scribble the answer. I look back at my test paper. The question are not for genin like us. How could we answer this?

As we skip the question, the questions are getting harder and harder. I think that I get what the test is all about. Ibiki encourage us to cheat without getting caught. Is this why Hiro's participating? It's my only chance to see Hiro's answers.

I use my sharingan and copied her anwer. She turn her head slightly and stop writing. I see her paper and read what she just written 'you're lucky to seat close to me' She totally got me. She answered all of the questions quickly. Not even skip anything in the first scan. The test have just begin 5 minutes ago. And she've already finished the test. She now seems to be bored.

A kunai knive are thrown to a guy seating behind Naruto. Naruto seems to be shocked by it "H-Hey, What about it?" "5 strikes and you're out. You just failed the test" Says the guy with bandage across his nose. "WHAT?! It can't be" "You and your team mates leave the room immediately. 2 guys just stand and walk out of the room. Naruto seems to be affected by it. Come on Naruto. You need to aswer one of it correctly.

"Candidate number 23 fail, number 28 and 95 fail" "Number 10 fail" "Number 62 fail" "Hey where's your prove that I cheated? How could you keep track of all of us? You said a wrong number. How do you know that I just-" Before that guy finished his sentence, the one with bandages cover one of its eye just pinned him to the wall.

"Sorry pal, we're chosen for this duty because we don't make mistakes like that. Even you couldn't blink without us seen it. We're the best of the best and you are just a history. Now get out and bring your team mates with you."

I see around me, Sakura are now reading her test paper. Why is Ino sleeping during the test? Naruto seems to freak out. Gaara are closing one of his eye. What is he doing? "U-uh Excuse me" "What is it?" "I need to go to the bathroom again. Sorry" "We go with you and make sure you're not up to anything" There's something fishy with that guy.

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