Chapter 25 : The Child of the Legend

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^ Okano in wolf form's pic

Hiro's pov

I walk from the darkness into the light. The first thing I see is a river. The river is surrounded by high trees. I think that I'm in a forest. The river flows smoothly. The water are clear that I could see the rocks and fish underneath it.

A huge black wolf came from the forest

Who are you? Where am I?

I'm Okano. It doesn't matter where you are child.

The wolf circle around me before sit beside me. It's tail are coloured dark blue and it'e eye are blazing neon blue. It's head are now on my lap. I stroke it's soft fur.

So... how could you know me?

Let me tell you a legend. Somewhere before the tailed beast are devided and scatter around the he universe, even before the universe are there, there's a beast that are stronger than a dragon or phoenix or even gods, but it's heart are as pure as a dove.

It always roam around the galaxy and lives in peace with other creatures. One day, it start to set an eye at a world. It's a world where there live humans and also beast.

Humans often ask for its help and it gladly agree and help them. But not long after that, humans ask for its help to kill other humans. The beast don't want to help them.

And the humans capture the beast. The beast felt really heart broken, since it's most favorite creature, humans, want to kill each other.

So what happen to the beast?

The humans kill the beast. And the beast swear that it'll reincarnate inside a child who have a pure heart.

Why do you tell me this legend?

It's because... you're the child of the legend. The child that roams in the path of bad but always end up at the path of good. I've set an eye since you've born. I knew that you have a pure heart to protect your family and friends. I'll always inside you. I see what you see, I feel what you feel, I am a part of you. Feel free to talk to me.

The wolf stand and walk back into the woods. I tried to follow him.

Wait! How can I talk to you?

It stopped walking and turn to me. It lick my face and left me

I'm inside you... And it's time for you to get back. They are getting worried about you...

I run into the woods to follow it. But I arrive into the darkness. There's a bright light. I tried to focus of the light. It's a white ceiling

I wake from my dream. "Hiro? Sunshine you're finally up. I'm worried soo much" "d-dad?" He hug me on my bed. I'm glad that I could still see dad okay.

Alpha jumped onto my bed. I patted his head. He seems to be worrying me. "How long have I been asleep Alpha?" "It's 3 days milady" "So, how's the battle?" "He escapes." "Damn that pedo" I'm now pissed.

"Just rest Hiro. Don't push yourself too hard. I don't want to lose you" Dad helps me to sit and lean on the hospital's bed. "Alpha, do you know what's happening?" Alpha stand and move from my leg to my lap. "I'm sorry milady. It's all my fault."

I stroke it's pearl white fur. "I met him. I even talk to him for a while" Alpha seems to be shocked by my statement. His body are now tensed. I keep on stroking his fur from his head to his back.

He's calming down. "It's all my fault milady. And now since Okano have awaken, you need someone to train you in your Okano form" He said it calmly.

Kakashi's pov

Finally Hiro is now awake. I'm really worried of her. Anko said that she battled Orochimaru and exhausted herself. "I met him" "Who's him?" I ask. "It's Okano dad"

Who's okano? Alpha lift his head from her lap. "Okano is a legend between us wolves and also other beast. No wonder humans know nothing about that old legend." "well, tell me"

"Once before the tailed beast are devided, there's a beast that are stronger than dragons or even phoenix but it have a good heart, pure as a dove. The beast are captured by humans and killed because it don't want to help the humans to kill other humans. It vow to reincarnate in a child that have a pure heart. He told me that" Hiro explained to me.

"I see. Let me told lord third hokage about it." "No. wait" Hiro caught my hand. I turn back to see Hiro's eye wide open. "Why Hiro?"

"I-I don't know. It move by itself" She seems speechless. "What do you want? But why? Why can't? I don't really have a reason to hide it from him. He's the hokage after all" Who's she talking to?

"Hey you. This child's dad. come here for a while" Hiro's voice are now lower than usual. Her eye are now glowing neon blue. Alpha are startled by the voice and directly bow "I apologize for my act Okano" Hiro, or you can say Okano, "It's okay. Don't need to be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you" she patted the wolf's head.

"W-who are you? What's happening to my Hiro?" I lift a kunai. "Whoa. Calm down human. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just borrowing Hiro's body to tell you something. Hiro's totally concious now and hearing all of our conversation. You should take a seat. Since it'll take a long time" I lower my kunai and put it back to my pouch. I pull a chair and seat beside Hiro's bed.

"Kakashi Hatake, the copy ninja, I need you to promise me that you won't be telling the hokage that I'm inside your daughter. I will let Hiro tell him herself when the time are right. For the time being, please don't hint of my presence. There're many humans out there that are willing to kill your daughter to bring me out for their own purpose. I hope for your understandings and cooperation." Hiro's eye are now back into her pale blue colour. "Heard that dad? Please don't do something stupid for once dad." I chuckle and scratch the back of my head with both of my hands.

I left her room to let her rest. Her summoning still haven't left her since she came in 3 days ago. He's indeed loyal to her.

But when Okano patted him, I realise that there're some small spots of black fur on his shoulder. The last time I saw him, I remember that his fur are totally pearl white. Why's his fur changing?

"Alpha" The wolf lift his head. "Can I talk to you for a while? I've got some questions to ask you" Alpha leap from her bed down to the ground. Stance and 2 other wolves show up, stance jump up the bed on Alpha's previous position and lay down. I open the door and let Alpha out. Alpha followed me to seat on a banch around the hall.

"What's happening with your fur?" I ask. Alpha seems to be shock. He look over to his shoulder then shrug. I give him a I-know-that-you-know look. He sighed

"My time will come. And it seems to be sooner than what I've expected." "Wait. What do you mean?" "You totally know what I meant. A new Alpha will rise and surpass the previous alpha"

Now I lean my head to the wall. "Don't worry. I'll make sure that the next Alpha will also continue my duty." Alpha stand and walk back towards Hiro's room.

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Ja ne ~

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