part 3

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Tomorrow is sunday so i don't have to wake up early in the morning. I was trying to sleep but as usual my mind was drifting to Melissa's voice... your boss is hot... damn why is it making me nervous? And why am i thinking too much about him? He must be a teenager...or may be not... UGH!!

Atlast i slept after sometime. I woke up by my alarm which i put to 10 a.m. Today is sunday so i need to go to the market to buy groceries for the week. I am not a party type girl so i don't go to parties. And even i don't have any friends over here or else i would have gone to one or two. I have friends at my home town but after shifting here i never got time to make any friend and most of the people here are so mean that i never wanted to make any.

I went to the shop to buy things. I was searching for my favourite ice cream but now i think there is not any. I went to the other section then a voice stopped me...

''Hi! Jack. How are you?''

''Good..what about you?''

''Yeah am fine too'' i smiled at him.

''You were searching for your favourite ice it is..'' he took out the ice cream from a carton and give it to me.

'' did you get it?'' I asked shyly and confused.

''Actually...this was the last one left and you were not so early took this for you and kept it secretly'' he said with a blush.

''Oh...'' what should i say to that? I mean its very good to know he thought about me and kept my favourite ice cream..but why? When will he know that i don't want him in my life and i don't want to give him any false hopes.

'' take it..'' he said nervously. God!! I don't want to hurt him but i don't have any other way. I have told him many times that i am not interested in him but again he is going on the same track as usual.

''Thank you Jack...but sorry i am not in the mood of having it today...'' i said and started walking towards the other section.

''Wait!! I saw you looking for it...'' Damn!!

''Yeah...but i have changed my mind..'' he suddenly hold my arm with his hand.


''Ah..what are you doing..'' his grip was tight.

''So...sorry.. but i like you and you know this. Why can't you give me one chance'' i was angry now.

''Look Jack. I know you are a good person but i don't want this relationship thing. I am single and i like the way i am. And its my choice if i want to be with someone or not. Its my life and its my right to decide it. Please stop this behaviour of yours. Once you asked me and i told you no but again you are standing on the same route where i left you. Please Jack move on. You are wasting your time on me.'' I took a huge breath after saying everything on his face. I could see hurt all over his face but he needs to understand that relationships are made out of feeling and i don't feel a single thing for him. Yeah i have a soft corner for him because he is very helpful and honest but i just see him as a brother.

''Why?'' His voice was cracking...''just because i work in a shop? Or because i am poor?'' Oh God!!

''Are you sick? You think of me so low Jack. I think i am not coming to this shop again. Sorry and Thank you.'' I stormed out from there and can hear his faint voice calling my name but no i will not listen to him or even i am not going to see him again. Goodbye Jack. He was one of the kind person i met in this city and i just lost him.

The day past in a blur with me cleaning and washing. At evening i started group chatting with my friends who were in another cities. We do this chat every sunday when we all are free. Time went by quickly. So i had my dinner, called my mom and told her about Jack and ofcourse she was upset with me that i have'nt gave him a chance. She is  always ready to set me with boys. She said at my age i should have got my love. Common ma! I am not too old. I am just 25. Umm.. Am i too old??

I put my alarm for 7 a.m as i have to be at the company around 8.30 as this is the first day of my work there. The office time for me is 9 a.m. I tried to sleep but my mind goes back on today's event... i am feeling bad for him... what if he did no no... Jack is an intelligent and smart boy..but i think i should talk to him calmly sometime...

I don't remember when i was asleep. I woke up by my alarm. I did the daily routine. Today i am wearing a maroon coloured shirt with black knee lenght pencil skirt and the same black heels i wore that day. With my same pony tail. I ordered the breakfast today to save my time.

I greeted the lady at the front desk who just nodded. I went to the elavator and reached my desired floor. I was greeted by Melissa as soon as she saw me. She looks like she is of my age.

''Hey Liza. Looking cool on first day. Have a nice day'' she winks at me with a smile.

''Same to you Melissa''

''Your boss is there in the office. Go meet him.'' Then she gestured me to come close and whispered in my ears ''go see the Se* God by yourself..and both are matching today'' she again winked. I rolled my eyes and went to the door. I knocked and enter. The chair was empty..damn! Melissa was just teasing me he is not here and ofcourse why will be he here before half an hour of his working time.

''Are you going to just stand there or tell me of your reason to visiting my office'' an icy voice snapped from behind the book shelf. I jumped by his sudden interruption. Melissa was right!

''Umm..sorry..sir.. i didn't know you were here.''

''You may go now'' he said acidly.

I practically ran out of the office. And stopped by Melissa. I was not breathing normally.

''Woah!! What happened?'' She looked at me shocked.


''Wait! I know you saw him and was drooling over him and then you....'' i cut her.

''STOP MELISSA!! Are you insane? Why will i drool over him? Is he a chicken to have a bite...'' damn wrong words! ''' no do you think he is an ice cream to lick... oh God just leave it'' She was looking at me interestingly.

''You have a very good choice of comparison'' we both burst out laughing.

''The best part is that i haven't seen him yet. He was behind the book shelf but he snapped at me rudely and told me to get out. I was humiliated on my very first day'' i told her seriously.

''Umm..sorry about that. And i haven't told you that he is the most arrogant and demanding person i have ever met though he is a walking drooling machine'' she huffed and sat down on her chair. Arrogant ha! I don't care.


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