part 4

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Hi everyone! And thanks to @purpleryne for voting. And there was no extra updates yesterday. I was free this week and so i updated 3 chapters and this is the fourth one but from now on i will update on weekends.  Feel free to point out the mistakes.


I was sitting with Melissa and Benny entered from the elavator. She smiled and was about to wave her hand but she fall by tripping. Oops!  I hurriedly went to help her.

''Are you alright?'' I asked concerned.

''Yeah...'' she was blushing with embarassment.

I picked her purse and give it back to her. Its 10 minutes left to 9 and she is coming now? She should have come before as this her first day.

''I think you should start making the coffee, the boss is already there'' Melissa informed her while rolling her eyes.

''Yeah! And sorry...i am late.. i will be on time from tomorrow'' she said looking at the ground.

''You should be. You are almost 20 minutes late. And you know what you could be fired on your very first day if i informed this to your boss.'' She said seriously to Benny whose eyes were poking out and her eyes filled with tears. I never thought Melissa could be this serious about work!

''Now stop looking at me and go make the coffee. And wait.. i am not going to inform him about today but make sure to not do it again. And hi i am Melissa.'' She smiled at her. I was looking at her with my eyebrows raised. Sudden mood change!

'''' she shook her hand.

''Don't look at me like that Liza. Yes i am friendly type but when it comes to work or office i am not going to tolerate any of you. So better start working. See you both later.'' She said smiling. Benny hurried to the small kitchen on the floor.

''Yeah sure! But where is my room...i mean cubicle or office??'' I asked.

''Oh yes! I forgot to tell you. Come i will show you your office.''

I went with her to my office which was just beside my boss' office. It was very nice though. It was not a huge one like my boss'. There were many book shelves. A table and two chairs on either side of it. A computer, a telephone and piles of paper were on the table already. The room was quite dark as there was only one small window.

''If you want you can rearrange the things. It was all set by the previous assistant. So start your day. Bye'' she smiled and left.

I start the computer and put my i.d on it. I set all the papers. Then saw that the files were already set alphabetically. The former assistant must be hard working.
It was past 11 and there was still no work for me. I am getting bored. Then there was a knock at my door.

''Come in''

''Hi...your coffee...''

''Hey you don't have to make it for me.''

''Its okay there are only four person working on this floor and i can sure make coffee for them and there is no work for me than doing this. I don't know why they hired the two of us...i mean you were perfect for this job...and i am very inexperienced... i worked in a restaurant and then someone told me to apply here...i was not ready at all and i was sure they will not hire me...but when they called i was shocked...i don't know a single thing about this job. But when Mr. Ashton told me about my work then i felt relief'' she said blushing. Woah!! I never thought she could speak this much. But its okay as i will be not getting bored here. Suddenly a thought crossed my mind.

''Hey! Have you seen him?''

''Yeah..i went to give him the coffee''

'' he looks?''

''Umm..i..dont know...''

''What do you mean you don't know. You gave him the coffee you must have seen him'' i said scrunching my eyebrows.

''Act...actually...i never looked at him...'' what!!

''You mean you made him coffee thrn give it to him but you never lifted your eyes to look up at him?'' I asked shocked. She nodded with a blush. Is she normal?

''I..i need to take the cups to wash..'' she said and took my empty cup too...

''Wait! This time have a look at him and tell me. Okay'' i winked at her and her cheeks went red. Hahaha..she is so charming! A sound came from the computer and there was an email for me from...Mr. James Ashton aka my boss. There was a letter which i needed to sent to almost 50 persons but changing the names in each one. Atlast i got some work to do.

After i did my work i sent a message to Mr. Ashton telling him the work has done. There was a knock at the door.

''Hi... Miss Miller...''

''Its Liza''

''Okay you want your lunch now?''

''I wil have it outside don't bother'' i smiled at her.


''And?'' I raised my eyebrow.

''He...i mean Mr. very good looking..'' she merely whispered and ran out of the door. Okay! He is good looking. So what? Why you even told her to look at him. Damn! What will she think of me now? I am so stupid.

It was almost 5 p.m. so i packed my things and was going out should i say bye to him... i should afterall he is my boss. I went to his door knocked and entered but there was no one...or maybe he is again behind the book shelf...

''Mr. Ashton?... Sir?'' But there was no reply so i assumed he has gone. I went to the front and saw Melissa talking on the phone she waved a bye to me and i went to the elevator. I greeted the lady at the front desk who again nodded.

I was crossing the parking lot then someone bumped into me.

''Hey watch where you are going'' i said to the person without looking.

''Same to you'' he said in an angry voice. I turned back to look at him and my opened mouth just closed by looking at him. Wow! Handsome! His eyes were so beautiful and blue that you can swim in it whole day and night... what? What are you thinking stupid girl.

''Are you done looking at me? Now move from my way''

Sh*t !!

''I was not looking at you. And i am not in your way you are in my way so you better move'' i spat at him. He raised his brow.

''Do you know with whom you are talking right now?''

''Oh yes Mr Bill Clinton. Hi sir how are you? Now move'' i said sarcastically  rolling my eyes. He was fuming now. In a second he was too close to me that i can feel his breath....he hold me by my waist and whispered in my ears....

''When you don't know the person you should not argue with them. The person can be a danger one or can ruin your life. You better MOVE'' he spat dangerously in my ear that i felt shivered ran down on my body. I move hurriedly and went to cross the road. I took the cab and relief washed over me. God!! Who was he? A gangster? No...what if he kills me the next time he saw me! Please God help me! I was panicking.

I went to the bed but my mind was going back to the gangster. I called my mama and told her about the day but not mentioned about the gangster. This is the second time i am hiding something from her... first one about my boss and now about this gangster..

I put my alarm and went to bed.


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