Part 19

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I got out of the car to found myself at the parking lot of my apartment.

Oh..he really meant it when he said home!

''Why did...''

Before i could have said anything he hold my hand and almost dragged me towards the elevator.

''Mr. James Ashton leave my hand.'' I was shouting at him but he didn't uttered a word.

''What are you doing? Why did you bring me home?''

No response.

We were soon on my floor and he opened the door by the card and banged it. He forced me inside and locked the door.

''You didn't have to come inside.''

He hold my hand and pulled me harshly towards him. I put my other hand on his chest for balance.


EEWW!! He is smelling too bad..he is too drunk...

OMG! I came here with a drunk driver? What if he had...

''WHO WAS HE?'' he asked gritting his teeth.



I am feeling something in my heart by hearing my name from his mouth for the first time....but..What should i stop?

''I...i really don't...know what you are telling...'' i said a little scared.

''DAMN YOU!! You are really a wh**e! Do you know that? But you always play innocent like you are doing right NOW!'' his hand was gripping my waist now.

''Who was the guy in the bar? With whom you were wh**ing.'' He spat venomously.

''Enough Mr. Ashton please!! Why are you always insulting me? What have i done?'' I asked feeling frustrated. Tears were dripping from my eyes.

''First answer me.''

''Fine. He was my friend.''

''Why were you dancing with him?''


''Ofcourse because he is my FRIEND?'' I said irritated by his questions.

''Why were you laughing with him?''

Oh God!!

''Because i am a human and i laugh.''

Not like you.

''But you were not laughing when you were dancing with me.''

''For God sake stop it! Don't you have any brain inside your skull? Firstly, You are my boss not my friend. Secondly, you were hurting me with your words and your action. And last, you are no one to me to share my feelings so just drop it.'' I said pushing him hard and he stumbled.

''You can go now.'' I opened the door and waited for him to go out.

He came to the door but instead of going out he closed it and again locked it.


I tried to stop him but it was useless.

'' locked it?'' I said but he started moving towards me step by step.

''Mr. Ashton...please get out...'' i said while moving backwards.

''Look before i call the security please get out.''

Claimed By Him Without Love (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now