Part 16

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Thank you guys for loving it :)

I am not well but i updating :)


He suddenly left my hand and stood up.

''Bring me a mug of coffee.'' He said facing the window.

''Yes...sir...'' i said weakly and went out to my office to kept the first aid kit.

On my way to the kitchen i looked at the cctv camera outside his door...

Sh*t! That is why he always know if i am outside or not.

I averted my eyes and went to the kitchen. I made him another cup of coffee.

Is he really attracted to me? could he? He hates me... he think very low of me... but...why?

You should ask him the reason.

No! He will never answer me instead he will smashed the cup on my head.

Leave him like that Liz! It is his problem not yours. You do your own work perfectly and do not give him a chance to fire you.

I took the cup and started walking towards his office...i was feeling a little insecure...because this time i knew he must be watching me on the screen... so during my entire walk i looked at the ground.

I knocked and entered like i usually do.

He was sitting on his chair and reading some file. I put the cup on his desk and went out. He didn't spoke a word this time neither did i.


I was working in my office when Ben peeped her head through the door.

''May i come in?''

''Ofcourse Ben.''

She came and gave me a cup of coffee.

''OMG! Thank you so much Ben. I really needed it. And it never occured to me to make a cup of coffee for myself.'' I said her gladly.

''You are always welcome'' she smiled at me.

''Ummm...are you okay?'' She asked concerned.

''Yeah...ofcourse..why did you ask that?''

''Actually you are looking tired.''

''Oh...yes i know i am not used to do all the i am getting tired easily.'' I said sipping my coffee.

''Umm..sorry about that. I didn't knew that they will make you do all the chores.''

Yes ofcourse how will you know!! How will you know that i gave a tight slap to the man who kissed me at the party and who happened to be my boss and so he is taking his revenge in this way.

''It is not your fault Ben.'' I said emptying my cup.

''Hmm..okay i need to go.'' She said and took the cup with her.

As the door opened slightly i could hear some voice...of a woman?

I got out to the front and came face to face with Mrs. Ashton.

What is she doing here?

''Hey! Hi Liza! How are you dear?''

She asked as soon as she saw me. I looked at Mel who was giving me a confused look.

''Hi..Mrs. Ashton.''

''Oh come on! Please do not call me Mrs. Ashton. Either you say Marian can say me aunt as i am your mother's friend..or even you can call me mom.'' She was blabbering.

Claimed By Him Without Love (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now