Part 13

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Wow! Love you all! Thank you everyone for liking my story :)

I am really glad that you all are giving it a chance. I know there might be some grammar mistakes or anything else but please excuse that because i hardly speak is my second language.. :)

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The whole terrace went silent by the loud crash of the bottle except the dance area where the sound of song was loud.

Everyone was looking at the culprit that is ofcourse Mr. James Ashton but he was looking... ahem me.

I looked at the ground near me where the bottle was now broken into pieces and i am afraid if any tiny particle would cut into my legs.

Soon a maid came and started dusting the area.

''It was a mistake.'' I heard his loud voice over the song.

He looked at everyone.

''Please carry on with your stuffs.'' He said dismissedly.

'' alright son?'' His expression changed from cold to warm at his mother's voice...

whoa! One sec! His mother? OMG! She is his mother. She was talking about him?

''Yeah! Ofcourse. It slipped from my hands.'' He said not meeting his mother's eyes.

''Umm...if you say so. I came here to show you what she is wearing! Please tell her how is she looking in that dress because some dumbhead told her that she is not looking good in it.'' She said clapping her hands excitedly.

Suddenly he looked nervous.

He also told me that he didn't like the dress.

He looked at me then at her mother then again at me and this time his eyes travelled from my face to my...neck...then down...then to the curves...then down...then back to the curves and his eyes furrowed.

Now you don't have to tell me again infront of your mother! Your expressions could tell how am i looking!

''The dress is nice.''

Now that's called beauty with the brain. He was implying that his mother's dress was nice so she would not think of him wrong.

But now i will not going to be shut up!

''Really Sir? But i think you told me you didn't like the dress.'' I said innocently.

His eyes narrowed at me.

''You told her what?'' His mother asked surprised.

''Yes Ma'am he is the one who told me that i am not looking good in the dress even the dress is not good and i am looking like...i mean this dress is not for me.'' I said looking at him and replaying in my mind, the words, he told me before.

He said nothing but his eyes were glued to mine....i averted my tear filled eyes and looked at the woman. She was looking shocked.

Her eyes were shining...with tears??

Sh*t! Liz! You shouldn't have told her about the dress....

''This means you only praise my work because i am your mother. And here i was thinking that i am making some good designs.... you are my son you should give me the right advice not fake praises.'' She said angrily and moved out from there.

You are dead Liz!

''Mom! Liste...'' he started but his mother was already far away.

''How dare you! How dare you do this! How could you? You knew she designed the dress then why you told everything to her.'' He was very angry and he was fisting his hands.

Thank God! It was crowded or else the hands were marking me on my body!

''I said the truth.'' I shrugged and was going to turned back...

''That was not the truth. The truth is that the dress is gorgeous but you are making it look worthless. You are not compatible with such dresses. You should wear dresses that suits you and that is available in the down markets near the garbages.'' He said clenching his jaws.

''Really Mr. James Ashton? Do you really think i am this...bad looking... okay...let it be like this that i am not good looking...but why is it bothering you too much? If you don't like me then you don't have to look at me. And..about this dress..then i haven't bought it myself. My mother bought it for me and i am not going to wear it anymore not because you told me but for the sake of this gorgeous dress which i am making to look worthless on me. And if you want it back for whatever reason... you didn't want your mom to sell it then you can take it back after i dry cleaned it in some laundry.'' I said it all in one breath. He was looking at me but said nothing.

''And also you don't have to look at me anymore tonight. I am leaving. Bye.'' With that i stormed out of the terrace and went down the stairs.

I could hear foot steps behind me but i didn't want to look back.

''Liza...wait.'' i turned back to look at the source of the voice. was John.

Are you disappointed Liz? No!

''Hey! Where are you going?'' He asked confused coming towards me in the middle of the stairs. And stopped after coming in front of me.

''Actually i am not feeling good so i am going home.'' I said while thinking of going down but he was standing in my way.

''My bad! I was waiting for another dance with you but you were nowhere to be found. But it's alright if you are not well then you should go.''

Please stop it i don't want to listen to anything now.


''Do you want a lift?''

Now that is something better because  i don't have a car and i don't want to go alone at this night.


''I need to talk. Now.''

Someone interrupted us with his dark hoarse voice. I didn't need to look back...i knew it was him... his foot steps were coming near...then it stops only after coming beside me.

John looked at the man beside me then looked at me.

''Sure..i am waiting in the lobby.'' John said looking at me and started descending the stairs.

I was looking at his retreating back when the dark figure came infront of my sight. He was looking at me dangerously again?

His eyes were.....whoa! He was...oooommphhhh...


Let me know if you liked it :)

Guess what happened there ;)

And please suggest if i should make the chapters lengthier or is it alright?

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