Part 45

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I am too busy guys!

But here is the update :)

Feel free to point out the mistakes as i haven't got the time to check it :(


James' P.O.V :

That day i called that girl for the interview. I knew i was only doing the formality because i was going to hire her even if she doesn't know anything she could make coffee for me.

I called Melissa to send her inside.

''Come in.'' I said when i heard her knocking.

She was not looking like the same girl whom i met last night. She tied her hair into a pony tail. Her skin was clean and her dress too. She was looking quite representable except for that her dress was a little loose on her.

''Please have a sit.'' I told her.

''Thank you sir.''

''So what is your name? What are your qualification?''

'' name is..Lucy Grand. And...i..don't have any qualification. I used to go to school when i was young but because of the constant bullying i stopped going there. I was in eighth standard then.''


''Didn't you tell your parents?'' I asked her and she started laughing but then stopped.

Her eyes were filled with tears but she was behaving like a strong person though her physical appearance is very far to strong.

''Sorry. My father is dead. And my mother is a drug addict.'' She said.


''Okay. Do you know how to make coffee?'' I asked.

''Yes...yes i know.'' She said confidently.

''Fine. You may go now. You can start the job from today.'' I dismissed her.

''Thank you sir.''

After a long time she brought the coffee.

But the taste was as same as that Liza use to make.

I like only her coffee.


I was busy in my work when she texted me to say 'bye'.

Why didn't she came inside to tell this?


I looked at the text and then i replied to her.


Maybe you shouldn't have replied to her...

You are behaving like a f***ing teenager.

After some time i went to my apartment and was taking rest when my mind started playing the scene of last night's event.

Diego was living there..with her...but it was him for which i was glad.

I knew him very well. I heard a few years back that he eloped with a girl who was black.

And his father was totally against him. He never liked her father.

And he loved that girl very much.

For once i thought that they would not make it but i was wrong. They are still together.

How could someone love this much that they could spent their whole life with them?

Claimed By Him Without Love (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now