Too Much In One Day

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Pock, pock, pock.Pock, pock, pock.Who dare knock at my door at six well nine o'clock in the morning.'Go away' I said in a sleepy tone.'Amanda wake up.''NO' I shouted harshly to my mother. She knows I'm usually grumpy when she wakes me up this early.Yh.Early.As an only child I grew up spoilt so i usually woke up any time i want - which was ten o'clock. So I knew my mom wouldn't mind my tone.

'It's Saturday sweet heart.'Point proven.' don't know yet.When you're done doing your stuff please come downstairs.'Okay okay I'm up.''Good'.When I heard her walking away I exhaled a deep breath then went to do my necessary stuff.


After putting on my slippers I went downstairs. Still being a little a little bit drowsy from waking up early, I stumbled on my foot and rolled down the stairs.

'Damn it' I mumbled to myself.'Sweetheart you alright.''Yh...I am.'I thought my mother was serious but when I lifted my head she was grinning.How could she possibly grin.Ugh. I shoved her away and went to the table which welcomed me with my favourite breakfast meal~pancakes and lemonade. I lost all my appetite cause of my fall so I decided to just drink the lemonade.

Before I knew it I was choking and gagging from a lemon seed down my throat.My mother ran across the table to help me. I knew she wanted to laugh but she held it in.How could this day get any worse.

After I coughed the seed into the sink I tried to change the topic.'So mother what's it that you wanna talk about. Speak fast cause Betty (my best friend) and I are gonna go shopping to get clothes for my dad's funera-.'I couldn't finish my sentence. I know if I did I would burst into sobs.'Oh sweetheart there's no need to buy those clothes.''Why?' I said whilst sipping my lemonade being careful not to swallow any seeds.'Because we're not gonna be at the funeral.''Huh?'

'We're moving to Seattle!!'

I dropped the glass of lemonade and it spilled all over me.I didn't care about that now. How the hell my mom can do this to me.I tried saying something but the controlling people in my mind were just blank.

Instead of saying anything I ran up to my room.I quickly locked the door and slid my back down the wall and burst into sobs.

When I thought this day couldn't get worse..... It did.

Please vote,comment and share.It's really short but I hope you like it.It's my first story so I know it needs improvement.But please tell me your ideas.

Liya out......:v

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