Poor Betty

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After realizing God wouldn't take my life I put Stardoll down and went up to my room to think.Why was this happening to me.I am not such a bad person for all this to happen.I know sometimes I have a reaaallly bad attitude but it's not so bad for my father to die,too lose my bestie,lose all my school friends,give away my cat and say goodbye to this house.My thoughts were interrupted by a phone ringing.

'Hello.''Omg you are leaving the country. Why didn't you tell me?As your best friend I should know if you're moving or not. You know what... I'm coming over.'Before I could say anything I heard Betty's line disconnect.I just jumped back on my bead and watched the ceiling whilst I waited for an angry face to come in.


'How come you didn't tell me?''I was going to come over today.''Sure you were.Like that's pretty low not to tell your best friend about you moving.'I stopped listening to her after she mentioned something about pizza.My mind was to focused on the sound of boots walking in the house. Who was that?

My thoughts was interrupted by a door opening. I saw my mom in the doorway wearing a white sweater with stripes and a pair of black jeans.Where was she going.'All set sweetheart?''Huh?'

'We're going to the airport.''The freak!!'Betty exclaimed before I got the chance to.'Mom you never told me I was leaving the same day I got the news.''I know..I had to do it before you changed your mind.''But I haven't even packed.''We'll buy stuff at Seattle.'I heaved a sigh and shifted my body so I could've bear hug a crying Betty.

When we hugged I felt the collar of her top soaked with water.Or most likely tears. Poor Betty. Now she'll have to face Molly on her own.'Oh and before I leave I have a present for you.'I went to the doorway and picked up Stardoll who was peeking all along.'Awwwwie... I'll take good care of him.''It's a girl you prune' I said whiles giggling. She joined me and before we knew it we were laughing our asses off.'I'm gonna miss you Betty.''I'm gonna miss you too.'We hugged it each other one last time and she left. The tears were already building up in my eyes.'Let's go sweetheart.'I only nodded.I put on a floral dress then left my room.I looked at it one last time and kissed the wall.Why was I so weird?

I heard a horn honk at least five times.When I reached the porch I saw a taxi waiting. My mother was already in the vehicle. I let out another sigh and walked towards the taxi. I turned around to look around at the house one more time.'Goodbye Tennessee.'I finally jumped into the taxi and off we went.Tears built up in my eye as I saw a slumpy Betty walking on the pavement with Stardoll in hand.I couldn't hold the tears back.My mom just looked at me like she just saw a cat giving birth to a cow.I didn't care at the moment. My mom will never feel the pain I felt in my heart.


'Okay passengers...we're on our way to.....'I dozed off after that so I heard nothing the flight attendant said.

I needed to get off this plane.It's gonna crash any moment. Omg. I looked around everywhere for my mom.She went into the bathroom before this plane started to shake terribly.I shot up and went to look for her.If I'm dying she's dying with me.I felt a hand touch my shoulder.

I opened my eyes and saw my mother to the right side of me.I heaved a sigh when I realized I was dreaming.'We're here sweetheart.

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Liya out...:v

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