TeaAching Little Lessons

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Sugarcoat slammed her foot on the pedal. "Why can't this car move faster?"

Indigo groaned. "Sunny, why did you tell her that she could drive? She's going to run over fifty people before we even get there!"

Sunny smiled. "But she's very fast. We'll be there soon."

"Will you shut up?" Sugarcoat hissed. "If Colette is right, we need to get there now before...before something bad happens. Now stop whining like a little baby, and tell me where I'm supposed to turn!"

Indigo glanced at Sunny. Sunny pressed her lips together. "Okay, disgusting. Never call me a baby again. And we don't turn for another twenty miles."

Sugarcoat huffed. "Why does he live so far out?"

They were all quiet, but they knew. So he can watch us in secret.

- - -

Adagio had her phone to her ear. "Just get there you lazy ass! We need backup!"

Sonata was driving. She had Rainbow, Aria, and Adagio in the car with her. "They'll be there. Get off the phone!" Sonata bit her lip. "We need to hurry up!"

Rainbow showed Aria her phone. "There's traffic up there. I texted the girls. Turn at the next exit."

"Thanks," Sonata muttered.

Aria looked out the window. "River is with Blair and Josi. I know that Adagio was talking to Vi and Evelyn. But where's Fluttershy?"

Adagio sighed heavily. "We don't know. I called her, but she didn't pick up. Something's wrong, I can feel it! I hate not knowing where she is. She could be hurt, or worse. Okay, where's the exit?"

Rainbow pointed. "Take the next one. We should be there in thirty minutes."

- - -

Blair winced.

Josi looked at her with concern written on her face. "Sis, is it your leg again?"

The younger girl nodded. "I hate it."

River was driving at seventy miles per hour. She had already passed the speed limit by twenty miles. "Can you walk? If it hurts, I don't think you should be doing this."

Blair glared at her. "Stop treating me like an invalid."

"She'll be fine," Josi promised. "My sister's strong. She wouldn't let anything hurt her."

River smirked. "You'll kick anyone who try hurting her."

Josi nodded. "You're so right, I will!"

Blair touched her necklace. "I know we'll be okay. We just have to stay together. Trust me. None of us are going to get hurt tonight."

- - -

Lyn glared at Vi. "You lied!"

Vi rolled her eyes. "We all lie, sweetie. I just wanted to help myself this time. Working for someone who noticed me was better than caring for you all the time." She pushed Evelyn away. "I don't need to ask for help anymore."

Lyn punched her jaw. "You took everything from me when you made me do this! Me friends-"

"Oh, suck it up! They're still alive, aren't they?"

"Not all of them!"

Vi moved her finger from her eye down to her chin. "I'm so sorry for your losses, Evie! But remember that I made you this. When I leave, you'll have to fix all the pieces on your own."

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